Do you need a mobile application for your timesheets?

November 5, 2024
5 min

The answer is yes! Without any hesitation. In your sectors, cost and time management is at the heart of the success of each of your projects. And to better control these two crucial aspects, the use of an application dedicated to timesheets can be of invaluable help, especially if the mobile application has an offline mode (As we know, many projects take place in places where the Internet network is not sufficient!).

En bref

Well chosen, an application capable of managing timesheets will not only allow you to keep an eye on The working time of your employees, but also (and above all!) of simplify and streamline your processes payroll management.

Are you wondering if the investment is worth the cost? Our article is here to help you make an informed decision!

Top 6 of the main advantages offered by timesheet software?

1 - Ease and speed of data entry

Paper timesheets, like any process involving a manual data collection, quickly reach their limits, especially when the company becomes important and The number of employees is increasing !

Thanks to integrated functionalities such as:

The employee can enter, in a few seconds, their arrival time, their break time and their departure time, in real time and directly from the application.

2 - Automating business processes

These applications and software allowautomate a number of processes, thus reducing the number of repetitive administrative tasks. Reminders for entering daily hours up to automatic report generation, the application saves time on project management and monitoring.

In addition, construction jobs are often subject to specific payroll rules. The punch mobile application will allow you to automatically apply CCQ payroll rules of your employees.

3 - Instant access to data 

Real-time access to timesheet data allow project managers a precise and up-to-date view of the progress of the project. This encourages quick and informed decision making for optimize human resources. This function is particularly useful, given the labour shortage that continues to plague the construction industry.

4 - Reduction of payroll errors

These digital timesheet software greatly minimize risks of human error in entering hours worked, thus helping to eliminate potential disputes related to Payment of wages.

These specialized mobile punch applications minimize the risk of human errors, on the part of the employee as well as on the part of the employer. Thanks to geolocation and time stamp solutions, you can be sure that your employees are paid for hours actually worked.

Which translates to reduced administrative costs and a management of optimized human resources, but also through real savings! So, Mobile-Punch thus promises its customers the opportunity to save around one hour in salary per week and per employee..

5. Optimizing productivity:

If you want to improve the productivity of your business, digital timesheets can be of great help. They allow you to have better visibility on the progress of your projects in real time and on the working time necessary for their success.

In addition, automate and simplify time tracking processes allows your teams to focus on their core tasks, resulting in increased productivity and more efficient use of working hours.

6. Reducing project delays:

Effective management of timesheets via software allows for better planning And a more accurate execution of projects. By avoiding delays due to communication errors or delays in data collection, your business could achieve saving time and money significant!

What are the limitations of applications like mobile-punch?

Although mobile applications dedicated to managing timesheets offer undeniably advantages, both for your employees and for you, it is essential to consider the project as a whole. These applications can improve the productivity of your business, that's for sure! But they are far away to offer all the functionalities what your business needs to lead the whole thing of these processes.

Opt for a comprehensive project management software, offering, in addition to a software from Mobil Punch (including a timestamp system, a offline function And the geolocation), could well represent a much more profitable investment in the long term!

By investing in a complete solution, construction and civil engineering companies can carry out significant savings in the long term while maximizing their operational efficiency. In summary, a mobile timesheet application can be the first step towards substantial savings, but for optimal gains, comprehensive software is the key to success in a competitive environment.

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