Track your day, add your employees, their hours, equipment, materials and tasks.
Access to the daily report
• Click on the desired day to go directly to the report.
• The date is displayed at the top with arrows to navigate between the previous and next days.
• Information from the team leader And of scheduler are visible at the top of the report.
• Different tabs allow information to be structured.
• The first tab shows the validation steps with a title and description that can be pre-filled for the day.
Comments tab
- Allows you toadd notes on the events of the day as well as pictures.
- The functionality @mention allows you to send a Direct notification to a user via the platform or by email.
Tasks tab
- Display the list of affected projects and tasks for the day.
- Possibility ofadd more projects and tasks via the buttons at the top right.
- Updating and assigning quantities planned and carried out for each task.
Employees tab
- List of employees present for the day with the possibility ofadd additional or temporary employees.
- Creation of activity blocks by selecting one or more employees and sliding from start time to end time.
- Assignment of tasks, equipment and bonuses to the activity blocks.
- Possibility of edit or delete blocks, ofadd notes, or of remove an employee via the three small dots next to his name.
Equipment tab
- Attribution of Time at the equipment not linked to employees.
- Possibility ofadd temporary equipment and to define their organization and type.
Materials tab
- Addition and follow-up of the materials allocated to the day.
- Possibility ofadd multiple materials at once.
- Entering the quantities used and comparison with theDefined objective.
Documents tab
- Contains all documents and photos added via the tab reviews.
- Addition of documents directly via the button at the top right.
- Access to project-related documents assigned to the daily log via a drop-down list.
- Possibility of fill out document templates previously added to the platform.
Forms tab
- Access to predefined forms for entering numerical data.
- Adding new forms via the dedicated button.
Delays tab
- Delay entry identified on a project.
- Selecting the project, of the delayed task, of theemployee concerned, of criticality level And of the timeframe.
- Addition ofadditional information And of supporting documents.
Signature tab
- Possibility ofadd a handwritten or electronic signature.
- Isolation of a specific task and share relevant sections with your collaborators or customers.
Validation and review
- Once all the information is complete, the daily report Maybe revised from the Information tab.