Man using digital software in construction
November 8, 2024
9 min

Why is digital transformation in construction stalled?

Digital transformation has become an unavoidable necessity for many sectors, including in the construction industry. However, despite its crucial importance and the support of governments, the Construction sector faces several challenges, which make this transition complex and, at times, painstaking.

However, making a digital shift is an initiative that, although it represents a certain investment, is necessary for the integration of digital solutions, very often allows a attractive return on investment.

Understanding the challenges of digital transformation in construction

Business needs are constantly evolving, as are new technologies. This results in practices that are becoming obsolete, such as the use of timesheet in Excel format, for example. To ensure the proper development of its activities, it is essential to be in line with the changes in the business world. Unfortunately, it's not always easy and it can cause problems internally.

Employee reluctance

One of major obstacles to digital transformation is the resistance to change among employees. In a traditionally manual sector, the adoption of new technologies can raise concerns about the loss of jobs or the difficulty of learning new tools. This reluctance is often exacerbated by the lack of appropriate training, making employees less likely to adopt new digital ways of working.

Lack of time and financial resources

Construction companies are continuously pressed for time and work with tight margins. Investing in digital transformation requires not only an initial investment in terms of infrastructure and software costs, but also time for training and adapting to new technologies. This can be a major obstacle, especially for small and medium-sized businesses that dominate the sector.

The cost of the digital shift

Fortunately, there are grants and financial aid that can ease the financial burden of digital transformation. For example, the Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) Offers grants to help businesses to increase their online presence and to digitize their business activities. These aids are crucial for encourage businesses to take the plunge towards digitization. Of course, a successful digital shift is an investment, but the return on investment is often very satisfactory. Especially since it is possible to pass this milestone at a lower cost!

The lack of specialized skills

Another major challenge is the lack of specialized skills within existing teams. Digital transformation requires IT and data management skills that many construction employees don't have. This requires targeted training programs to develop these essential skills in the workforce. But there are also easy to learn solutions, which allow the implementation of this type of support for key people in your company. This type of project is proposed in particular by Civalgo for a simplified and accessible process. Don't be afraid, digital technology is within everyone's reach!

Training: an essential element for a successful digital shift

Remain competitive in the Construction and Civil Engineering sectors is now one of the essential needs for many businesses. To get there, support in the implementation of digital solutions in its organization is often essential. Training is one of these steps that facilitates the adoption of best practices for a successful digital shift.

Overcoming resistance to change

Training is critical to getting employees up to speed with new technologies and new ways of working. This helps to reduce the natural resistance to change that is frequently observed in businesses. By giving employees The acquaintances and the skills needed, the training helps them to Appropriate digital tools and to integrate them naturally into their daily work.

Effective and sustainable technology adoption

Beyond the simple introduction of new technologies, the training ensures that their adoption is effective and sustainable within the company. When employees are well trained, they are in a position tomake full use of the potential of digital tools and to get the most out of it. The entire organization of your business is simplified.

An improvement in productivity and efficiency

A well-trained workforce is more proficient in using digital technologies. This results in a significant improvement in productivity and the overall efficiency of the company. Trained employees can complete tasks more quickly and with a best quality. This support makes it possible to achieve the planned objectives for the growth of its structure more efficiently.

Develop essential skills

Digital transformation requires the development of new skills, especially in IT and data management. Include innovation in your corporate culture is a good strategy to improve the professional valuation of your partners. The training allows you to acquire these key competencies and to anchor them permanently with your employees.

In conclusion, although digital transformation in the construction sector presents unique challenges, with the right strategies, especially investment in training and the use of available grants, these obstacles can be overcome.

Civalgo is positioned as a key partner in this process, providing the tools and support needed for a successful transition. Indeed, it offers an integrated solution that includes not only a project management tool, based on its expertise in this sector, but also comprehensive training for implementation and responsive support.

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