Jérôme and Alexandre discussing the digital burden in the Civalgo podcast
November 8, 2024
12 min

Unifying our digital tools: a necessity to overcome the challenges of collaboration in construction!

One of the great promises of digital technology was to simplify collaboration and improve the productivity of our construction companies.

Except that currently, this is sometimes far from being the case! In fact, the adoption of multiple tools disconnected from the realities of the sector The idea has often had the opposite effect. Instead of simplifying, digital adoption has created new challenges.

However, there are solutions. By adopting a integrated and unified approach, construction companies can streamline their processes, improve collaboration between all stakeholders, and ultimately increase productivity.

Based on this observation, we decided to launch this podcast. A few weeks after the first episode was broadcast, we drew the lessons from this discussion to offer you a complete article for help you unify your digital tools and transform your construction sites!

The challenges of multiplying digital tools

A digital tower of Babel

Imagine a construction site where each team uses a different language. Working together would be a nightmare, wouldn't it? Confusion, communication errors, inefficiency, and delays would be unavoidable. Well, that's precisely what's happening today on our construction sites when our software doesn't communicate with each other.

Each actor — whether the client, the project manager, the architect, the engineer or the subcontractor — uses their own digital tools. Platforms are multiplying, data formats vary and coordination is becoming a real headache. This Numerical confusion not only results in lost time and a increasing professional burnout, but also an increase in errors and misunderstandings, seriously impacting the efficiency and cost of projects.

Concrete impacts!

This multiplicity of digital tools has direct consequences on the progress of construction projects:

  • Process slowdown: Switching between tools, converting data, and resolving software incompatibilities costs valuable time at each stage of the project.
  • Increased costs: The extra effort to align information from one software to another leads to significant additional costs.
  • Risk of errors and delays: The lack of an overall vision of the project increases the risks of errors and delays, with potentially serious financial consequences.
  • Complex informed decision making: The lack of consolidated and easily searchable data complicates analysis and slows down critical decision-making.

Administrative burden: a digital drift

“A project manager's job is to control the project. It's about planning, making sure we're on time, on budget, finding ways to be more efficient. I don't do my job that much anymore. It's as if I had become a construction secretary” Jérôme in Balado Civalgo.

Despite promises of automation and simplification, digital transformation in construction has often led to a perverse effect: a rapidly growing administrative burden. What was supposed to be a gain in time and efficiency has become, for many project managers, a source of professional exhaustion.

In practice, teams find themselves juggling a multitude of digital systems. Each platform or software used has its own procedures, data formats, and specific requirements. Project managers need to navigate between different tools to follow up on files, process site reports, manage schedules and ensure communication between stakeholders. This fragmentation creates a real administrative headache.

Picture the scene: a project manager has to open five different platforms to get information on an ongoing project. A tool to track deadlines, another to edit daily reports, a third to manage budgets, a fourth to report on the progress of the project to the client and so on. And most of the time, these tools don't communicate, or don't communicate well, with each other! This digital silos only increases the complexity of work, causing input errors, information loss and, ultimately, lower productivity. Repetitive manual tasks, far from being eliminated, have simply gone from paper to screen., with cognitive overload as a bonus.

This phenomenon, which could be described as”digital paperwork”, diverts teams from their real goals: effective project management and the rapid resolution of problems in the field. Far from making work more fluid, This administrative overload contributes to the frustration and demotivation of teams..

Artificial intelligence: a solution to administrative overload?

Faced with this challenge, emerging technologies, especially artificial intelligence (AI), offer promising solutions. AI makes it possible to automate a large part of administrative processes, thus reducing the burden on teams. For example, thanks to AI tools, reports can be generated automatically based on data collected in the field, and analyses can be carried out in real time, without human intervention.

Artificial intelligence can also facilitate communication between the various software programs used on a project, acting as an intermediary to harmonize data. In addition, virtual assistants can be integrated to help manage repetitive tasks, such as scheduling, assigning resources or even tracking hours worked.

By delegating these repetitive tasks to smart tools, project managers can focus on missions with higher added value: strategic decision making, problem solving in the field, or even risk forecasting.

It is essential for construction companies to recognize that the adoption of true digital transformation does not end with the use of multiple software, but must go through the integration of tools that communicate with each other, and which, perhaps thanks to AI, allow smarter and more fluid project management.

Towards a Solution: Unifying Digital Tools for Seamless Collaboration

To improve collaboration, it is crucial to develop open and interoperable platforms, which offer numerous integrations. By centralizing information and facilitating communication between all the actors in a project, these platforms allow better coordination, a reduction of errors And a faster decision making.

Standardization of data formats:

Adopting universal formats such as BIM makes it possible to make software compatible and to facilitate the exchange of data. Cela simplifies communication between teams and Reduces li errorsrelated to the conversion of file formats.

Collaborative platforms:

These collaborative platforms allow all actors in the project to sharing information in real time, to interact more easily, and to monitor the progress of the work. Features include document management, instant messaging, and real-time task management, making it easier to coordinate work sites.

Seize the opportunities of digital transformation!

The digital transformation of the construction sector represents both a challenge and an opportunity. En unifying digital tools And in harnessing the potential of AI, it is possible to simplify processes, improve collaboration, and reduce costs. The benefits are clear: better quality of projects, a reduction in errors and delays, and an increase in productivity.

Call to action: towards a more collaborative approach for contractors!

Real conductors of the sector, project owners play a key role in the adoption of new technologies. Their decisions have a direct impact on how projects are carried out and on the tools that will be used. To succeed in this transformation, it is imperative that contractors adopt open digital solutions and support collaboration between teams. By investing in technologies that promote interoperability and by implementing training to support change, the construction sector can become more resilient and innovative.

Listen to the first episode of our new podcast!

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