Construction employees explaining TPL Solution and Civalgo partnership
November 8, 2024
10 min

TPL x Civalgo Solutions Partnership: what does that change for the profitability of your projects?

BIM, Artificial Intelligence, Dedicated Applications and Software... It will no doubt not have escaped you, the Construction sector is in the midst of change.

And in Quebec, as elsewhere, this change is as rapid as it is disconcerting for the players in this major industry (1 out of 15 jobs in Quebec). Betting on digital technology today means betting on the future of your business!

Building the future of Construction in Quebec together.

Do you sometimes wonder if, in the end, you did not prefer the time when you returned from the construction site satisfied, with your paper construction reports under your arm? Don't worry: you are far from being an isolated case! It is not for nothing that the Construction sector in Quebec is also resistant to digital transformation, however carried out by the Government for several years :

  • Complexity of the offer,
  • Lack of time,
  • Reluctance of employees,
  • Fear of financial investment,
  • Difficulty in finding the training and the necessary help,
  • Etc.

In short, for Postpone the adoption of digital solutions, the reasons are multiple and they are all perfectly understandable. But the reality is that you no longer have a choice. Faced with increasing customer requirements, the increasing complexity of projects and the challenges associated with the shortage of manpower (A problem that should not be resolved before 2031 !) , you have to rethink your working methods and site supervision if you want to remain productive and profitable.

It is precisely in this context that the TPL x Civalgo Solutions partnership will allow you to get ahead of your competitors! By combining our two respective expertise in estimation and construction project management, our two Quebec companies offer a unique and innovative solution, which will quietly, but effectively and sustainably revolutionize the profitability of your construction sites.

The key to optimizing the profitability of your sites? Accurate and reliable estimates.

In Construction, it's all about estimation. If there is one point on which all professionals in the sector agree, it is this one! And with good reason, because it is of course your estimate that will be based on all of your operations, from the planning of your construction project to its delivery. The quality of your estimates will depend on the success of your projects and the profitability of your construction sites.

One reliable estimate will allow you to control your costs, to minimize risks and to avoid unpleasant surprises. On the other hand, an estimation error will have disastrous consequences on your entire project, starting with sometimes significant financial losses, late deliveries and disputes.

So you will have understood it, for guarantee the profitability of your construction sites, it is better to bet on the good estimating software !

The expertise of Solutions TPL

Quebec leader in construction estimating, Solutions TPL relies on more than 35 years of experience: The least we can say is that this company masters its subject!

The in-depth field knowledge of its team allows Solutions TPL to develop tailor-made digital solutions, perfectly adapted to the realities of your construction sites and to the needs of your businesses. A great way to propel your business with 100% Quebec solutions.

A powerful solution for reliable and detailed construction estimates.

Solutions TPL software is based on proven methods And high-performance innovations to ensure the accuracy and rigor of the estimates made. Solutions TPL takes into account all aspects of your project to ensure the profitability of your construction project:

  • Cost of materials
  • Labor cost
  • Equipment cost,
  • Cost of machinery (rental, maintenance, etc.)
  • Risk assessment
  • Unexpected
  • Etc.

Thus, thanks to the implementation of a risk management module, the profitability of your site is guaranteed: you remain protected from unexpected increases in the price of materials, delivery delays and financial accidents.

Learn more.

And to increase your profits? Optimize your processes monitored on site.

This is the main challenge for a project manager: to respect the estimate to ensure the profitability of a construction project and then, to exceed it to generate more profits! In other words, by optimizing your construction operations, site monitoring and project management, you will be able to make more money and ensure the growth of your construction business. And this is exactly where Civalgo complements the TPL Solutions offer.

Civalgo expertise

10 years of existence and more than 30 years of cumulative experience in Construction for our company, also 100% Quebec! It is an in-depth knowledge of the sector and the challenges in the field that allows us to offer construction professionals tailor-made solutions, specifically developed for Adhere to the realities of Civil Engineering and Construction companies in general.

A single platform to simplify all your operations and optimize your site monitoring.

Digital technology in Construction has never been easier! We offer a unique and intuitive platform which centralizes all the tools necessary for simplify your operations and improve the performance of your teams on your construction sites. The most? Our platform is only dedicated to professionals in the sector, so it is designed for you and only for you. In other words: goodbye to complicated and useless features.

Civalgo offers multiple functionalities that really make a difference in the field:

  • Simplified planning
  • Centralized communication
  • Document Management
  • Real-time site monitoring
  • Cost tracking
  • Digital punch (even offline!)
  • Simplifying payroll
  • Etc.

Learn more.

40% additional profitability!

The alliance between Solutions TPL and Civalgo is a real revolution for construction project management. By combining accurate estimates, of powerful tools And a personalized support, we enable businesses to gain in efficiency, profitability and performance. Building the future of construction starts today with Solutions TPL and Civalgo!

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