Attempt to manage resources on Tableau
November 8, 2024
8 min read

Resource Management: What is it and why is it essential?

Effective resource management is a crucial element in the successful delivery of a construction project. To ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget, it is essential to have visibility into the life cycle and goals of the project, as well as the resources available within the organization.

Imagine that you are stuck on a deserted island and that you have to choose only 3 things to survive. It's a form of resource management, right? Well, in the construction sector it's almost the same, except that the activities are a bit more complex. To be successful, it's important to know what material and financial resources you need, what you can do, and how you can get there with as few resources as possible.

By carefully planning the types of resources, you can increase the efficiency of your business by up to 20% and closely monitor their use. Managing your resources is essential to achieve your goals.

What does it mean to manage your resources?

Managing your resources is about ensuring that the various resources are used in the most efficient and effective way possible to maximize productivity. It involves the identification, acquisition, allocation and management of resources such as material resources, human resources, financial resources, equipments, time and technology to complete a given task or achieve a goal.

Managing resources involves establishing a cost structure for projects to ensure that goals are achieved.

Why is good resource management important?

Resource management is a part of project management and is critical to the success of any project. This makes it possible to optimize resources, reduce costs while maintaining quality standards. It also ensures that projects are completed on time.

Good resource management ensures the efficient use of resources, which helps organizations achieve their goals with minimal delays or additional costs. Precise tracking of resources makes it possible to more closely monitor their availability and to quickly identify potential problems. This allows corrective actions to be taken quickly that contribute to the avoidance of costly overruns.

What are the 5 benefits of resource management?

  1. Anticipate obstacles: by having an excellent knowledge of your resources and by planning their use by a project manager, you can identify and solve all types of potential problems before they occur in your organization.
  2. Avoid mental exhaustion: by effectively managing a mix of resources, you can work to prevent overwork or over-dependence on human resources. Your employees will then be able to use their know-how and your manager will be able to use the various actors to their full potential.
  3. Provide support in case of failure: if your project does not succeed due to a lack of resources (which can happen depending on the equipment available for example), resource planning and management demonstrate that your strategy was relevant and that you made every effort to optimize the available resources.
  4. Be more transparent: other people and your customers can have a better understanding of the human resources you have and adjust their objective according to its maximum capacity or availability to take on new projects.
  5. Measuring effectiveness: With an accurate understanding of what is needed to manage and execute all types of projects, you can both plan and measure the return on investment effectively.

What are the best techniques for managing your resources?

Assignment of resources

Assigning resources aims to maximize the use of the types of resources you have at your disposal. Taking into account the skills and availability of team members, this process involves managing projects by effectively using the organization's materials and resources in your possession.

To have a precise vision of this assignment, project managers often rely on reports. These can vary, from a general overview of production to a detailed analysis of the availability of resources, thus helping to avoid delays and budget overruns.

Comprehensive reports ensure greater transparency on projects and increase efficiency. This allows people to identify items that are potentially at risk. It also allows for more accurate estimation of costs and deadlines, as well as better collaboration between teams.

Readjustment of resources

Another method is to readjust resources. This approach aims to identify the resource that is underused on a site or misused within an organization and to take advantage of it as needed. For example, a project manager with estimating skills could support another team by taking on tasks on building evaluations or other stages of the project. If a team member has the required skills, the estimating team will not need to use external providers if they are suddenly faced with an influx of project requests and will have the means to manage their internal skills. Ultimately, good use of resources and skills allows teams to be more productive and more effective.

Resource estimate

In order to make an informed choice, it is essential to bring together all the necessary elements and conditions and to create a provisional financial resources plan to maximize the efficiency of people, information and finances. Resource estimating helps you predict future resource needs before starting a project.

During the planning phases of a project, this estimate makes it possible to define the scope of the project, the types of possible constraints, unexpected expenses in raw materials for example and the possible risks (installations, manufacturing, available skills, etc.)

To carry out this assessment, project management must have a good understanding of the life cycle and the objectives of the project, as well as an overview of the resources available within the organization. A project management software specialized in construction resource management such as Cilvalgo offers this visibility to businesses, as well as centralized access to your projects and resources to allow you to maximize your expertise and manage your assets simply.

And you, what are your favorite tools for resource management?

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Anticipating obstacles: By having an excellent understanding of your resources and planning their use by a project manager, you can identify and resolve any potential problems before they manifest in your organization.

Avoiding burnout: By effectively managing a set of resources, you can prevent work overload or excessive dependence on human resources. Your employees can then use their skill sets and your manager can use different actors to their full potential.

  1. Ensuring support in case of failure: If your project fails due to a lack of resources (which can happen depending on the available equipment, for example), resource planning and management demonstrate that your strategy was relevant and that you did everything possible to optimize the available resources.
  1. Be more transparent: Other people and your clients can have a better understanding of the human resources you have available and adjust their goals according to its maximum capacity or availability to take on new projects.
  2. Measuring effectiveness: With an exact understanding of what is necessary to manage and execute all types of projects, you can plan and measure return on investment effectively.

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