Recycled building materials
January 7, 2025
10 min

The reuse of building materials: an opportunity for the future of construction.

Construction and building companies are facing new challenges: cost reduction, optimization of resources and transition to more sustainable practices. For both economic and practical reasons, their optimization needs are becoming more and more important. In this context, the reuse of materials, far from being a constraint, can become a real strategic lever to transform “waste” into real assets for your business! We explain to you:

What are the different advantages of reusing materials in construction?

1. Protecting the environment

The reuse of building materials offers numerous significant environmental benefits for the construction and construction sector.

  • Waste reduction

Reuse makes it possible to considerably reduce the quantity of waste produced by the construction industry. By reusing existing materials, we avoid them being landfilled and we extend their lifespan. This practice contributes directly toObjective of the European Union to recycle a large part of the waste from the building sector.

  • Decrease in the extraction of new resources

By reusing materials, the need to extract new raw materials is reduced. This makes it possible to preserve natural resources and to limit the impact on the environment associated with the extraction and processing of new materials. Recycling

  • Lowering the carbon footprint

Reuse actively contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. By avoiding the production of new materials, emissions associated with manufacturing and transport processes are reduced. In addition, reuse makes it possible to preserve the grey energy already invested in existing materials.

2. Reducing costs

Reuse also has significant economic advantages for construction and construction players. Reusable materials are often Cheaper than their new equivalents, as can be seen on Cycle-up. A strategy that makes it possible to achieve substantial savings on procurement costs. This reduction in costs can make some projects more affordable and competitive. The development of reuse in the construction sector paves the way for new economic activities. Jobs are created in areas such as deconstruction, the valorization of materials and the management of reuse platforms. This approach promotes the emergence of a local and sustainable circular economy.

What are the challenges in implementing the reuse of materials in your company?

Despite its many advantages, the reuse of building materials faces several challenges to be adopted in your structure.

Regulatory aspects

One of the main obstacles to re-employment isinadequacy of current standards and certifications, which are often designed for new materials. It is necessary to adapt these standards to take into account the specificities of reusable materials, while guaranteeing their safety and performance.

In addition, the liability and warranty issues concerning materials for reuse need to be clarified. It is important to define who is responsible in the event of the failure of a reused material and how guarantees can be applied in this context.

Logistics and storage

La efficient management of the flow of re-used materials represents a major logistical challenge. Systems must be in place to identify, collect, sort, and distribute materials efficiently, while minimizing the costs and environmental impact of transport. For example, this is something you can set up with Civalgo.

So, storage and sorting of re-used materials require dedicated spaces, which can be a problem in dense urban areas. It is crucial to develop suitable storage solutions and to optimize sorting processes to facilitate reuse on a large scale.

Awareness-raising and training

The adoption of reuse requires a change in mentalities in the construction sector. That is why it is essential to raise awareness among all actors in the value chain about the benefits of reuse and to promote a culture of sustainability and the circular economy. In some cases, it may be necessary to use training on deconstruction techniques or project management.

What technological solutions to optimize the reuse of materials?

Specialized digital platforms have been developed to facilitate the identification and management of re-used materials. These tools allow you to create detailed inventories of available materials, including their characteristics, condition, and location. For example, the project Digital Deconstruction has set up a platform integrating digital tools such as 3D scanning, BIM and a database to optimize the management of reusable materials. Generally, they also include real-time tracking systems, making it possible to maintain constant visibility on the availability and location of materials. And this, thanks to the IoT (Internet of Things) for example.

Advanced marking and identification technologies, such as QR codes, RFID chips, or NFC tags, are used to ensure the traceability of reusable materials. These technologies allow quick access to the history and technical characteristics of materials, thus facilitating their reuse in new projects.

How to effectively implement reuse in your company?

The integration of reuse right from the design phase of projects is crucial to maximize its potential. This involves identifying reuse opportunities early in the design process, taking into account locally available materials and adapting plans accordingly. In addition, improve collaboration between the various actors Of the sector (architects, building owners, contractors, material suppliers) is essential to achieve this. This collaboration makes it possible to share knowledge, identify opportunities and overcome challenges related to reuse. Initiatives like the FCRBE project encourage this collaboration by providing guides and resources for all construction stakeholders.

This includes the establishment of local collection and distribution networks of reusable materials to facilitate their circulation. These networks may include physical and digital platforms for storing, sorting, and distributing materials. The development of these local supply chains contributes to reducing transport costs and the associated environmental impact. La creation of partnerships between construction companies and local authorities can take the form of pilot projects, platforms for sharing resources, or even training and awareness-raising initiatives. For example, theRAEDIFICARE association is working to initiate a professional sector for the reuse of building materials, in collaboration with the South Regional Council and ADEME.

Implementing these best practices in the construction sector is a good strategy for the reuse of raw materials in other construction sites. This approach is an excellent way to make substantial savings, with products reused directly on the next construction site.

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