Ormuco and Civalgo team up to offer Edge Computing solutions for the Construction Industry

November 5, 2024

Ormuco and Civalgo, two Montreal-based companies, announced a strategic partnership today to deliver innovative technologies for real-time processing in the construction industry. This partnership combines ORMUC's leadership in edge computing with Civalgo's expertise in developing software that optimizes construction processes.

En bref

Montreal, October 16, 2019 — Ormuco and Civalgo, two Montreal-based companies, announced a strategic partnership today to deliver innovative technologies for real-time processing in the construction industry. This partnership combines ORMUC's leadership in edge computing with Civalgo's expertise in developing software that optimizes construction processes.

The biggest transformations to the construction industry come from machine learning, augmented or virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and the Internet of Things. These transformations can only happen with the combined use of 5G mobile networks and edge computing. Over the years, Ormuco has grown to become a leader in the edge computing field, with customers in multiple industries and markets around the world.

“Thanks to ORMUC's strong expertise, we are excited to be working together to accelerate the growth of solutions that will dramatically change the way construction companies operate. Given that edge computing is critical to developing and processing real-time solutions, this partnership will position us at the forefront of innovation,” says Alexandre Champoux, CEO and co-founder of Civalgo.

Expenditures on construction projects represent 13% of total GDP, but over the last 20 years, productivity in the sector has only grown by 1%.

McKinsey, Reinventing Construction: A Route to Higher Productivity, 2017

About Civalgo

Civalgo, a company that specializes in the business process optimization of construction firms, helps its customers plan their work through real-time performance feedback. Civalgo collects performance data to predict the costs, time, and resources of current and future projects. Civalgo's artificial intelligence algorithm then learns from these historical benchmark data to generate better estimates going forward. Civalgo's technology substantially improves the efficiency of processes that have been in use by the construction industry for decades.

“Civalgo is an innovative company that will rise to lead the construction industry—whether in urban areas, on remote job sites, or anywhere else. For this reason, Ormuco is proud to work with Civalgo to accelerate innovation in construction,” adds Orlando Bayter, CEO and founder of Ormuco.

The partnership between Ormuco and Civalgo will support large flows of real-time information from anywhere in the world. Technological advancements such as real-time 3D modeling, motion captures, and interactions in virtual and augmented reality are inapplicable on standard cloud architectures. Civalgo and Ormuco will work together to continuously improve construction.

About Ormuco

Founded in 2008, ORMUC's mission is to be a leader in the deployment of edge computing as the preferred solution for data processing. The company enables the delivery of real-time solutions based on innovative technologies such as AI and machine learning to businesses and users worldwide. With headquarters in Montreal, the company employs 50 employees and serves industries across diverse sectors such as media and entertainment, energy, mining, technology, retail, education, banking, banking, banking, construction, construction, construction, utilities, and healthcare.

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