Civalgo signs an important supply contract

November 5, 2024

Civalgo and TELUS are partnering to streamline and digitize the middle segment of the civil and commercial contractor sector in Canada.

En bref

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE PRESS RELEASE: Civalgo signs a major procurement contract Montreal, August 25, 2021 - Today, we are proud to announce a new collaboration between Civalgo, an operational management platform designed to accelerate digital transformation activities and processes in the construction industry, and TELUS. This association represents a huge opportunity to streamline and digitize the middle segment of the civil and commercial contractor sector in Canada.

Together, we are bringing to market a fully integrated IoT approach for the connected construction site - from telemetry to any other type of sensor. Thanks to Civalgo's core operational management platform, with capabilities ranging from planning to field execution, to project control - contractors can benefit from a real competitive advantage. By making it easier to manage project data, Civalgo not only boosts productivity but also helps keep teams and projects on track.

“We are very excited to be working with Civalgo to expand our offering of solutions for connected workers. We are confident that this combination will create lasting and attractive value for our professional customers in the construction industry. Collaborating in our go-to-market approach will unlock the full potential of digital transformation and help our customers gain a competitive edge in this new digital landscape.” — Julio Villalta, Director, Products and Services, Internet of Things, TELUS

“This combination brings next-generation technology to construction teams looking to increase the connectivity and efficiency of their operations at the execution level and beyond. We are building a solid foundation to help construction managers across Canada generate significant productivity improvements through digital transformation, project management, and IoT. The tide is turning when it comes to technology adoption in the industry, and we are ready to do our part in this critical transition to widespread technology adoption.” — Boris Germanov, VP of Strategic Development and Associate, Civalgo

“We are honored by this recognition of our work. This alliance will bring unprecedented value and efficiency to Canadian civil and commercial construction contractors looking to improve their operational and data management capabilities. We are thrilled to be building the future of construction in Canada with TELUS.” — Alexandre Champoux, CEO, Civalgo

To learn more about Civalgo's award-winning technology, call us at: 1-877-709-0525 or book a demo with our team on

ADDITIONAL MATERIALWATCH the Civalgo brochureWatch the video trailer

CONTACT INFORMATIONAndres Restrepo, 438-831-4204,

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