Civalgo offers protective equipment to construction sites in Quebec

November 5, 2024

Civalgo and its partners will distribute COVID-19 recovery kits, including protective equipment, to construction teams in Quebec.

En bref

Civalgo, and its Quebec distributor ABTECH, are proud to give back to the industry and to support the collective effort to limit the spread of COVID-19 on construction sites in Quebec. By ensuring the protection of construction workers in the province, we want to support our builders and help them prepare for the reopening of the Quebec economy. APPLY FOR A COVID-19 RECOVERY KIT FROM CIVALGO This community initiative will take the form of a distribution of COVID-19 Recovery Kits including: KN95 certified masks, for construction crews in the province FREE Civalgo licenses, until July 1st, The chance to win a free rental of a T-Clean disinfection tent*Mobile solution for completing the CNESSTkit COVID-19 health declaration on mobile, industry best practices recommended by The CNESST toolbox for paperless document management in order to limit physical contact ‍ We are here for you!

Sources: Civalgo, ABTECH, CNESST.

* T-Clean have market 200 disinfected tent units that can be deployed on construction sites or commercial venues.

T-Clean tents.

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