Civalgo is showcasing the Canadian construction technology ecosystem at Builtworlds.

November 5, 2024

Civalgo is showcasing the Canadian construction technology ecosystem at Builtworlds.

En bref

We are truly honored to have been invited to present during this week's VC Analyst Call: Insights from Global (Contech) Startups, a great continuation of the high-level discussions on the same topic held at the Builtworlds 2020 Global Digital Summit.

Speaking on this occasion, Civalgo's Vice President of Strategy, Boris Germanov, took the stage to provide information on the regional industry and share perspectives on our current Canadian fundraising environment and the construction tech space. Boris was also invited to comment on the receptivity of our local industry to the adoption of construction technology.

The use of construction technology and the appetite for investment in this sector vary considerably across the world. That is why this panel was a great opportunity to highlight the strengths and potential improvements of our current regional ecosystem.

Civalgo was also honored to share the stage with the talented contech entrepreneurs not focused on the United States from Tenderd (Arjun Mohan/United Arab Emirates) and Buildots (Aviv Leibovici/Israel).

BONUS: Here we are sharing some of the burning questions addressed by the panel...

Do you have information on the startup ecosystem in each of your regions? Who are the main players? Are there any recent success stories?

What does the industry landscape look like? Who are the main players and are they open to working with new technologies and pilot programs?

Is the government playing an active role in encouraging the adoption of technology or supporting the growth of startups?

How does your business fit into the technological landscape of each of your respective regions?

Between your own businesses and other startups in the region, is there a focus on exploring foreign markets?

Are there any other significant notes of interest that are worth mentioning about each of the respective regions in which you operate?

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