Civalgo is on the BuiltWorld 2020 Tech 50 list

November 5, 2024

Civalgo is proud to be part of the BuiltWorlds 2020 Infrastructure Tech 50 list.

En bref

The Infrastructure Tech 50 list is an annual list compiled and published by BuiltWorld analysts, presenting solutions specifically for planning, designing, building, operating, and maintaining Built Worlds infrastructure assets such as roads, bridges, tunnels, and more. The list includes leading companies and emerging suppliers helping construction industry players plan, manage, execute, deliver their infrastructure assets in eight categories:Master PlanningCost EstimationModeling and VisualizationPlanning and SimulationPlanning and SimulationConstruction ManagementConstruction ManagementEquipment and MachineryReality Capture and Progress DocumentationAsset Management and Maintenance

Civalgo is proud to be part of this list for the first time in the Construction Management category!

“It is an honor to be part of this prestigious list, among such a group of innovative players,” said Boris Germanov, Vice President of Strategic Development at Civalgo.

Take a look at the world of today's top building technology providers from a BuiltWorld perspective.


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