CEMEX Ventures names Civalgo as one of the top 50 construction tech startups of 2020
Despite the major industry turmoil caused by the global Covid-19 pandemic, the Construction and Technology ecosystem closed 2020 with over 1.3 billion US dollars in investment in tech startups! The current rapid digital transformation of the construction industry is largely driven by a strong focus on startups developing collaboration, project management, and data tools, such as the Civalgo Operational Productivity Platform. Recognizing our constant and tireless contribution to this field, CEMEX Ventures, CEMEX Venture Capital and Open Innovation unit, has selected Civalgo's breakthrough technology as one of the 50 most promising construction technologies of 2020 (Productivity category)! CEMEX Ventures' annual TOP 50 ConTech Startups list includes the 50 most promising new solutions in the construction ecosystem and cities of the future. For more information on the list of CEMEX Ventures 2020 TOP 50 Construction Technology Startups, please visit: https://www.cemexventures.com/cemex-ventures-launches-the-50-most-promising-startups-in-the-2020-construction-ecosystem-and-the-cities-of-the-future
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