Exel Contracting
Landscaping & Snow removal

Challenges :

Exel Contracting, an expert in commercial landscaping and snow removal in Ottawa, was looking to boost its profitability to drive growth. Before discovering Civalgo, they faced a major challenge: 

  • Lack of project visibility: The detailed data needed to understand the specific costs of each project were neither collected nor processed, hampering informed decision-making.  

Use cases : 

Exel Contracting chose Civalgo with a clear objective: to obtain a detailed view of project costs, so as to better control budgets and improve the profitability of their operations. This involved : 

  1. Optimizing snow removal operations: Civalgo revolutionized real-time data collection for this company, providing a precise view of hours worked, equipment and materials used, and the various costs associated with each snow removal project. At the end of the season, in-depth analyses identified inefficiencies and sources of waste, enabling the company to improve the profitability of its operations by taking corrective action.

  1. Project benchmarking: Civalgo's advanced features enabled Exel Contracting to compare profitability between different projects. This analysis revealed significant differences in material use, providing an opportunity to adjust strategies to maximize profits.  

Benefits : 

The integration of Civalgo has generated tangible and measurable benefits for Exel Contracting: 

  1. Increased visibility of project costs: Civalgo brought unprecedented clarity to project-specific costs, highlighting sources of financial loss and enabling rapid adjustments. 
  2. Optimizing snow removal operations: In-depth analyses have propelled Exel Contracting towards efficiency by enabling it to identify inefficiencies and waste, thereby strengthening the profitability of snow removal and landscaping operations. 
  3. Pricing optimization: The data extracted from Civalgo provided the company with a solid basis for accurate quotations, giving Exel Contracting a competitive edge in the pricing process. 
  4. Simplified work processes: Using Civalgo has streamlined exchanges, encouraged communication and simplified day-to-day operations, freeing up time to concentrate on the essentials.

Thanks to Civalgo, data transparency met operational efficiency, propelling the company to success!

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