In the planning section, you can quickly visualize the distribution of teams and the availability of resources. Two views are available:
Compact view : displays all projects on a single line for a summary view.
Expanded view : Show each project on a separate line for more details.
These options allow optimal calendar management and effective forecasting of needs.
Assignment of teams and projects
To schedule an assignment:
Select the planned date range for the assignment.
Assign a project to the team concerned.
Add more teams if required.
Adjust dates as required.
Empty boxes : The assignment is planned, but no daily log has yet been created.
Colored icon : a daily log has been generated and is being processed.
Creating a daily log
Several methods can be used to generate a daily report:
From the planner :
Click on the icon + on the date and the team concerned.
Create a daily log for a whole day via the button + under the date.
Modifying and adjusting schedules :
Change the schedule of a project by Changing the date or the team.
Add days to a existing planning.
Split a schedule for the redistribute to another team.
Optimizing project assignment
Thanks to these functionalities, the assignment of projects to teams becomes more smooth and fast. Team management is simplified, ensuring better coordination of resources and effective planning of daily tasks.
🚀 With these tools, the management of your planning is optimized for precise monitoring and increased reactivity!