How much does project management software cost?

June 12, 2024
9 min
Construction project management software price comparison

Are you planning to modernize your company's internal processes by acquiring business management software, but are concerned about the financial impact of a digital shift on your company's budget? Which software is right for you, and how much would a project management software tailored to your needs really cost? How can you be sure that the investment is worthwhile? And finally, is it really so advantageous for your company and your team?

These are all legitimate questions, and it's to your credit that you want to answer them before you take the plunge! To refine your knowledge and help you make an informed decision, our article reviews the cost, benefits and features of project management software.


How far have we got with digital transformation in construction? 

Presented as a must for several years now, digital transformation concerns all sectors. However, despite the fact that 75% of companies in the sector declare a strong interest in digitalization, the construction and civil engineering sectors are resisting this strong injunction. 

Indeed, paper documents, manual processes, Excels sheets and multiple manual data entries still make up the majority of contractors' and industry professionals' daily lives, in many aspects of their activities: planning, task allocation, worksite monitoring, timesheets, accounting, payroll, and so on. 

But what is this resistance? Why are these companies reluctant to equip themselves withdigital tools? 

1 - Lack of time

Lack of time is often cited as one of the main reasons why entrepreneurs in the industry keep putting off adopting new technologies. 

Construction and civil engineering companies are under constant pressure to meet project deadlines. In this context, the prospect of having to take time out to learn how to use and integrate a new online management tool can seem daunting. All the more so as, even in the off-season, managing to free up team time to offer training sessions is quite a challenge!

However, it's important to note that while adopting new digital tools may indeed require an initial investment of time, in the long term, these project management software packages can greatly improve the efficiency of your processes and the productivity of your business, which can ultimately save a great deal of time. 

2 - Habit

Habits die hard, and change can be intimidating! Construction and civil engineering companies are often accustomed to working methods that have been established for decades. Introducing new tools - digital ones at that - can seem disruptive, if not unnecessary, especially if employees are comfortable with current work processes. 

Communication is essential! Take stock of your needs, clearly state your expectations and discuss with your team the benefits and positive impact these digital solutions can have on the efficiency of their daily work. 

3 - Fear of losing team support

Fear of not winning team buy-in is also frequently cited by contractors who delay the acquisition of new technologies. The introduction of new project management tools can arouse fears among employees, particularly those who have been in the business for a long time or who are unfamiliar with digital solutions.

That's why it's crucial toaccompany this change with appropriate training and ongoing support, to ensure that the transition from traditional methods toonline tools goes smoothly. 

At the same time, it's essential to emphasize that these tools are designed to facilitate their work , not complicate or replace it. Their involvement in the adoption process can also help to allay these fears, and encourage faster, more effective adoption of new management tools

4 - Cost

For many companies, themajor obstacle to adopting new technologies is quite simply their cost! For an SME(Small and Medium-sized Enterprise), the investment may indeed seem substantial. However, it's important to note that these initial costs can quickly be offset by the resulting gains in productivity and efficiency

What's more, many affordable solutions are now available on the market, making these digital tools more accessible to companies on a limited budget. For those interested, we recently conducted a webinar on the subject, available from our menu in the "resources" tab.

It's important to consider the adoption of online tools as a long-term investment, which has the potential to transform your business and give it a competitive edge. However, it's important to remain reasonable and ensure that the expense is within your means. 

Adopting project management software: what's in it for your company? 

There are many digital solutions that can help you in your day-to-day work, but the adoption of project management software represents a major step forward for companies in the Construction and Civil Engineering sectors wishing to optimize their productivity, modernize their processes and maximize their efficiency. 

In addition to offering the possibility of better operational organization, these project management tools enable precise project tracking, facilitate communication between teams and encourage collaboration between different departments. 

Want to find out more about the benefits of project management software? Check out our Top 5 reasons to invest in project management software for a construction or civil engineering company:

1 - Improving productivity : 

A good project management software package will enable you toautomate repetitive tasks, freeing up your time to concentrate on more important tasks: you save working time and can manage several projects, more easily, at the same time! 

What's more, by encouraging fluid communication and collaborative working, these online tools can significantly boost your team's productivity.


2 - Better communication : 

Project management software provides a centralized online platform where you can exchange and retrieve all the information and documentation you need, facilitating communication between team members and the various project stakeholders (architects, engineers, subcontractors, etc.).


3 - Real-time monitoring : 

These tools enable you to monitor project progress in real time, making it easier to identify bottlenecks and take corrective action at the right moment. 

4 - Better risk management : 

Project management software helps to identify and mitigate potential risks , which can significantly reduce delays and unforeseen costs associated with your project.

5 - Better control of costs and budgets :

By using project management software, you can get a more accurate estimate of the time and resources needed to complete a project, which can help you avoid cost overruns and take full control of your operations.

In conclusion, adopting project management software means taking a step towards better organization, smoother communication and increased productivity.

How much should you budget for project management software tailored to your needs? 

The budget for project management software can vary considerably, depending on your specific needs, the size of your team and the complexity of your projects. 

For small teams or simple projects, basic project management software could cost as little as a few dozen dollars a month. Whereas for large organizations managing several complex projects, the cost could be several thousand dollars a year. So it's essential to understand your needs andcarefully evaluate the various options available on the market before making a decision.

If your budget is limited, it's all the more crucial to remain vigilant and ensure that your investment is worthwhile! Don't waste your time with general-purpose software, and make sure you turn to professionals who specialize in the fields of construction and civil engineering.

Subsidies to help you take the plunge! 

There are several grants available to help companies adopt project management software. These grants can cover some or all of the costs associated with acquiring and implementing these tools. It's important to explore these financing options to maximize your budget and optimize your project management operations. 

Here are a few tips to help you finance the acquisition of new software:

1. Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) 

The Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP) is a crucial initiative for Canadian SMEs. The main objective of this program is to support companies in theintegration of digital technologies, an aspect that has become essential to remain competitive in today's economy. 

2. Le Fond C 

Initiated by the Desjardins Group in the context of the post-Covid-19 economic recovery, it represents a significant opportunity for companies in the building and civil engineering sector. The fund aims to stimulate the economic development of companies by financing digital transition projects.

With financial assistance covering 25% of the total cost of projects, up to a ceiling of $20,000, Fond C is positioned as a strategic lever for companies wishing to accelerate their digital transformation. 

3. ESSOR program :

Designed to support the development of fast-growing companies, this program is particularly well-suited to the needs of the building and civil engineering sector. It aims to help companies accelerate their growth and productivity, particularly through the digital transition. 

With a non-refundable grant covering up to 50% of eligible expenses, to a maximum of $100,000, the ESSOR Program is an invaluable resource for companies engaged in significant investment projects. Eligible projects under this program include the development and implementation of digital transition plans, as well as major investments for company growth, with a minimum threshold of $100,000 in eligible expenses.

What's a rich text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in oneplace instead of havingto add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the richtext element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


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