Why is HR software unsuitable for the construction industry?

June 12, 2024
12 min
HR in search of the best HR software under construction

For the construction industry, human resources management presents unique challenges. Challenges that generally cannot be addressed by standard HR software. These tools, while effective in many areas, come up against limitations when it comes to meeting the specific needs of the construction industry. For example, the entry of daily work orders, essential in this sector, is frequently absent from the functionalities of such software. 

This raises a crucial question: why is traditional HR software, which is often costly, not adapted to the realities of the construction sector?

Specific features of the construction sector

The construction sector has unique characteristics that profoundly influence its human resources management needs. These specificities call for functionalities that standard HR software generally does not offer.

Management of daily work orders

One of the major peculiarities of the construction industry is the need to manage daily work orders. These documents are crucial for tracking the progress of work, the distribution of tasks and the time spent by each employee on a specific site. Standard HR software, often designed for more traditional office environments, often lacks this essential functionality.

Variable schedules and locations

Unlike many other sectors, construction often involves variable working hours and ever-changing worksites. Employees may work on different sites with fluctuating schedules, requiring flexible, dynamic human resources management capable of adapting quickly to change.

Compliance with safety standards and regulations

The construction sector is subject to strict safety standards and specific regulations. HR management in this context must therefore include functionalities to monitor employee compliance in terms of training, certifications and safety measures. This is particularly the case when it comes to CCQ payroll rules. A particularly regulated subject!

Subcontractor management

Construction often involves the use of subcontractors and temporary crews. Effective management of these workers requires HR systems capable of handling flexible contracts, variable payments and non-standard periods of employment.

Limitations of standard HR software for construction

Standard HR software has significant limitations, particularly when it comes to the specific management of employees and work processes. These HR systems, while effective in general contexts, don't always meet your planning needs.

Lack of adaptation to specific needs

Traditional HR software often offers limited access to the functionality needed to manage construction personnel. It doesn't take into account fluctuating retention rates, specific training needs, or the management of employee files for employees working on different sites.

Inefficient work management

These HR tools are not designed to track the unique activities and responsibilities of employees in the construction industry. Their performance appraisal and tracking systems don't match the requirements of construction sites, where work processes and personnel management vary considerably.

Service offering limitations and benefits

Standard HR software does not provide the services and benefits adapted to the realities of the construction sector, particularly in terms of managing COVID-related risks, tracking ongoing training or managing benefits specific to construction employees.

Specialized HR software needed for construction

In the specific field of construction, human resources management requirements often exceed the capabilities of standard HR software. Civalgo stands out as a suitable solution, offering a complete system that effectively addresses personnel management in this field. Unlike traditional HR software, we integrate specific functionalities for managing construction employees, such as worksite tracking, including the management of employee files spread over different worksites.

Adopting Civalgo brings significant benefits to construction companies. This specialized HR software makes it easy to manage the unique responsibilities and activities of employees in this sector. It enables accurate tracking of work-related data, improving employee retention and optimizing performance. What's more, it ensures effective staff performance evaluation, while guaranteeing compliance with current safety standards and regulations.


In summary, the construction sector requires a specialized approach to human resources management, one that standard HR tools often cannot provide. Each construction company therefore needs to consider more tailored solutions, capable of meeting their unique needs in terms of personnel management, safety compliance and operational flexibility. This is bound to have a medium-term impact on the company's performance. The key to success lies in choosing an HR system that understands and responds effectively to the specific challenges of this dynamic sector.

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