How can you optimize your recruitment and increase employee satisfaction?

June 12, 2024
9 min
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Avoiding recruitment difficulties is a key factor in managing internal growth. Find out how to optimize your recruitment!

Faced with a shortage of manpower in Canada's construction sector, companies are placing greater emphasis on recruitment than ever before. And that means ensuring employee satisfaction within the company. This requires a well-thought-out strategy that goes beyond technical skills to include the human aspect, with team dynamics and long-term objectives. 

The importance of building strong teams

In the construction industry, finding qualified, reliable personnel is a major challenge. Companies need to understand what jobs need to be filled and what skills are required. It's important to look for people who want to make a long-term commitment, not just stay for a quarter. This helps to create strong, durable teams that can cope with all kinds of situations.

Finding the right person for each position requires a thorough understanding of the company and its needs, both in terms of anticipated growth and in terms of what employees are looking for, such as access to certain services like catering. It's important to take a global approach and consider the company's culture and future objectives. This helps to ensure that newcomers fit in well with existing teams, and thus promotes the development of the structure. By focusing on these aspects, companies can not only fill vacancies, but also strengthen the dynamics of their workforce.

3 approaches to consider when optimizing recruitment

A well-thought-out strategy that responds to workers' needs is needed to better recruit in the face of Canada's labour shortage, especially in construction and civil engineering. The pandemic has left deep scars and created difficulties for the economy as a whole, and for many sectors. Despite job vacancies, the workforce has developed demands, such as flexibility and pay. But over and above a simple pay rise, valuing and clarity of mission have become the norm.

Define roles clearly

It's essential to start by detailing the positions to be filled. This means writing accurate job descriptions, covering the responsibilities, tasks, skills and experience required. A good description attracts the right candidates and aligns expectations right from the start. So, each job should be as detailed as possible to see an increase in the number of applications. But it's also important to indicate the services provided and the opportunities for development within the company. It's a challenge that requires a clear understanding of what the company needs and what it can offer.

Valuing employees

To ensure good management, both when recruiting and when retaining staff, it's important to value every member of the team and make them feel welcome. Highlighting the company's culture and values attracts candidates who share these values. A positive corporate culture attracts talent willing to invest and share common goals. This makes it easier to attract and retain talent, giving them a sense of belonging and satisfaction. Recognition and appreciation of a job well done is a winning strategy to avoid resignations and the ensuing recruitment work(churn). And it also means bonuses and even higher salaries!

Adopting technology

Using modern digital tools makes recruitment more efficient. Online platforms, applicant tracking systems and HR software make it easier to organize, communicate and access a wider range of candidates. Technology thus makes the management of new jobs and applications more transparent and equitable, ensuring fairer evaluation.

Once the right person has been recruited, it's important to build employee loyalty to improve the company's performance. And that means keeping them happy and fulfilled. Today's employers need to be aware of the situation and the way in which employees have lived their working lives, to ensure the continuity and growth of their organization.

Increased employee satisfaction

Increasing employee satisfaction is a fundamental pillar for companies, especially in the current context of skills shortages in key sectors such as construction and civil engineering. From the moment they join the company, new employees need to feel a sense of belonging and value within their new working environment. This requires a careful integration process that not only provides them with the information and tools they need for their new role, but also immerses them in the organization. We always think in terms of salary first, but human relations and good understanding have a huge impact on increasing candidate retention.

At the same time, recognition of efforts and the promotion of open communication are crucial to maintaining this satisfaction. Establishing a recognition system that values individual contributions and encourages excellence is essential. Similarly, fostering transparent, two-way communication helps create a work environment where employees feel listened to and valued. These practices, in addition to reinforcing a sense of belonging, play a major role in creating a positive and motivating work atmosphere. Particularly in competitive sectors with many job vacancies available, sometimes with more attractive salaries. 

3 measures to improve candidate satisfaction

Improving employee satisfaction goes far beyond mere material benefits. There are a number of ways in which you can achieve this in a concrete and meaningful way.

Warm, efficient integration 

The first step towards a satisfied and committed employee is a successful integration. This means offering a warm welcome and a clear understanding of not only what the employer expects, but also what the company has to offer. Successful integration involves more than just technical training; it also includes immersion in the company culture. It's an opportunity to show newcomers that they've made the right choice, helping them to feel integrated and valued right from the start.

Personalized recognition and rewards 

Everyone likes to feel appreciated, and at work this is no exception. Implementing a recognition system that celebrates successes, big and small, can transform the working atmosphere. Whether through tangible rewards, such as bonuses, or more symbolic gestures, such as a word of thanks at a meeting, recognizing individual effort strengthens the sense of belonging and motivates everyone to give their best.

Promoting work-life balance 

Work-life balance is essential to employee well-being. Adopting flexible policies that allow people to better manage their time and obligations shows that the company truly cares about their quality of life. Whether through telecommuting, adjustable schedules or extra days off for special occasions, fostering this balance contributes to a happier, more productive working environment.

The challenges of the labor shortage

Labour shortages in Canada's construction sector represent a major challenge, amplified by factors such as inflation and the tendency for workers to move from one project to another in search of better opportunities. This situation requires companies to develop innovative strategies to attract talent. Offering advantageous working conditions that go beyond mere remuneration becomes essential. This can include benefits such as flexible working hours, professional development opportunities, and a work environment that values and recognizes individual contributions.

Furthermore, investing in employee training and professional development is another key approach to countering this shortage. By focusing on skills enhancement and career development within the company, employers can not only improve their internal capabilities, but also strengthen employee commitment and loyalty. This creates a virtuous circle where workers feel valued and motivated to stay within the structure, helping to mitigate the impact of labor shortages in the long term. The unemployment rate, in parallel with the labor shortage, reflects the job market that has evolved in Canada. It is therefore imperative for companies to adapt to ensure their successful development in the years to come.

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