Digital transformation: Why are your consultants losing you money?

June 12, 2024
10 min.
Civalgo as an example of a digital turnaround under construction

In a world where digital technology is becoming the norm, the construction and civil engineering sector is no exception. Digital transformation in this field is not limited to the adoption of new technologies! It represents a complete revolution in working methods, project management and customer communication. 

However, this digital shift is not without its challenges. One of the major obstacles is the high cost of traditional consultants, whose services can sometimes prove expensive without delivering the expected results.

In the lines that follow, we'll explore the key grants available to facilitate your digital transformation, unveil the hidden costs of traditional consultants, and reveal how specialist construction and civil engineering experts such as Civalgo can radically transform your approach to digital. 

4 grants for a successful digital transformation

Digital transformation is a must for companies in the construction and civil engineering sector wishing to remain competitive and efficient. Fortunately, several subsidy programs are available in Quebec and Canada to facilitate this transition, sometimes even proposed by the government. These financial aids are designed to alleviate the costs associated with adopting new technologies and modernizing processes. Let's take a closer look at the five most relevant subsidies for your company.

1. Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP)

The Canadian Digital Adoption Program (CDAP ) is a crucial initiative for Canadian SMEs. The main objective of this program is to support companies in the integration of digital technologies, an aspect that has become essential to remain competitive in today's economy. 

With funding of up to $2,400, PCAN offers a valuable opportunity for companies in the building and civil engineering sector to develop essential digital tools. This includes creating or redesigning websites, implementing e-commerce solutions to facilitate online transactions, and investing in digital advertising to increase visibility and reach a wider audience. 

Eligibility criteria are quite broad, as they include all for-profit Canadian businesses that interact directly with consumers, and require either having at least one employee, or having generated annual revenues of at least $30,000 in the last fiscal year. 

2. Le Fond C

Initiated by the Desjardins Group in a context of post-Covid-19 economic recovery, it represents a significant opportunity for companies in the construction and civil engineering sector. The fund aims to stimulate the economic development of companies by financing digital transition projects. 

With financial assistance covering 25% of the total cost of projects, up to a ceiling of $20,000, Fond C is positioned as a strategic lever for companies wishing to accelerate their digitalization. Eligible projects include accelerating the company's digital transition, simplifying and optimizing processes via IT solutions such as ERP or CRM installation, adding new distribution channels such as e-commerce platforms, and using digital transformation consulting. 

To benefit from this program, companies must have a Desjardins bank account and operate in specific sectors such as retail, manufacturing, agriculture or agri-food.

3. ESSOR program

Designed to support the development of fast-growing companies, this program is particularly well-suited to the needs of the building and civil engineering sector. It aims to help companies accelerate their growth and productivity, particularly through the digital transition. 

With a non-refundable grant covering up to 50% of eligible expenses, to a maximum of $100,000, the ESSOR Program is an invaluable resource for companies engaged in significant investment projects. Eligible projects under this program include the development and implementation of digital transition plans, as well as major investments for company growth, with a minimum threshold of $100,000 in eligible expenses. 

To be eligible, companies must be for-profit and legally registered in Quebec, or be a Canadian company with an establishment in Quebec.

4. Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program (CERI)

The CERI program is particularly well suited to supporting companies in their digital shift, offering tailored financial support. 

For not-for-profit organizations (NPOs), CERI offers non-repayable financial assistance covering up to 90% of eligible expenses. For SMEs, it offers interest-free, repayable financial assistance covering up to 50% of eligible expenses. Eligible projects under this program include the acquisition of equipment, the development of advertising campaigns for new markets or the marketing of products or services, the purchase of specific software, and the acquisition or development of new technologies. 

Eligibility criteria apply to a wide range of entities, including SMEs, cooperatives, NPOs, business groups, business support organizations and aboriginal organizations, with the exception of certain sectors such as retail. 

Expensive consultants

In the current context of digital transformation, many companies are turning to external consultants to guide and implement an effective digital strategy. While this approach may seem advantageous, it is often accompanied by high costs that can weigh heavily on a company's financial resources, especially in specialized sectors such as construction and civil engineering.

Cost analysis

Traditional digital consultants often charge high rates for their services. The hourly cost can very quickly soar to several hundred euros, or in some cases even a few thousand euros. Unfortunately, these costs add up quickly, especially when projects span several months or years. What's more, using a specialist consultant doesn't always guarantee proportional results, as they may not have a thorough understanding of the specifics of the building and civil engineering sector. This can lead to even more problems and additional costs!

Comparison with in-house solutions

In comparison, developing in-house skills or using specialized tools can represent substantial savings. Investing in the training of existing employees as part of its digital transformation may prove more cost-effective in the long term. In addition, the use of specialized tools, such as software dedicated to construction and civil engineering, can significantly reduce the costs associated with external consulting. These tools are often designed to meet the unique needs of the industry, offering a more targeted and efficient solution.

Calling on construction and civil engineering experts

In the building and civil engineering sector, digital transformation requires specific expertise. The unique challenges of this sector call for a tailored approach, which only specialized professionals and tools can effectively deliver.

Civalgo's expertise

Civalgo has positioned itself as a key player in this field, offering a platform designed specifically for the needs of construction and civil engineering. Unlike traditional consultants, Civalgo combines an in-depth understanding of the sector with advanced technological solutions. This combination helps optimize processes, reduce operational costs and improve project management. In addition, Civalgo facilitates the integration of new technologies, such as automation and data analysis, tailored to the requirements of these industries.

Practical benefits of using Civalgo

Using our software brings practical, tangible benefits to companies in the sector. These include:

  • Process optimization: Civalgo automates repetitive administrative tasks, enabling teams to concentrate on higher value-added activities.
  • Improved project management: The platform provides tools formore precise project planningand tracking, making it easier to manage deadlines and resources.
  • Reducing operational costs: By streamlining processes and improving efficiency, we help reduce overall costs.
  • Data-driven decision-making : thanks to integrated data analysis, Civalgo provides valuable insights for informed decision-making.
  • Flexibility and adaptability : the platform adapts to the specific needs of each company, offering a customized solution.

In a nutshell

Although consultants can provide external expertise, the associated costs can be prohibitive and may not always correspond to the specific needs of the construction and civil engineering sector. Companies would do well to consider alternatives such as strengthening in-house skills or adopting specialized tools. Indeed, the adoption of specialized solutions like Civalgo is crucial to effective digital transformation. Implementing our software offers not only industry expertise, but also advanced technological tools that transform operations, improve efficiency and reduce costs. Opting for specialized solutions ensures a more aligned, efficient and cost-effective strategy, responding precisely to industry needs.

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