Top 3 construction company success stories with Civalgo!

June 12, 2024
5 min
Construction site

Business management is a major guideline for the successful development of a company. Yet it is a subject that is often neglected. Here are three case studies of Civalgo's piloting of companies in the construction sector, to help you understand what's at stake and adopt the right reflexes.

Success story 1: The transformation of M Potvin Excavation

Founded in 2015 by Maxime Potvin, a visionary 17-year-old entrepreneur with a single excavator, M Potvin Excavation has experienced remarkable growth in the space of a few years. When his brother Alexandre joined the company in 2017 as vice-president, the duo intensified their expansion into sewer, waterworks and large-scale projects.

The problem

Despite their success, they faced major organizational challenges. Manual division of labor, difficult data management and disparate systems significantly reduced their operational efficiency.

The solution

To overcome this problem, they turned to Civalgo, a software platform specialized in construction management. Civalgo equipped the M Potvin Excavation team with tools to automate work distribution, generate pre-filled reports for foremen, and track project costs and objectives in real time. In this way, the platform has improved communication between administration and the field, thanks to its integrated digital environment.

The results have been breathtaking! The company was able to improve efficiency on the job sites, and also grow without the need to add additional resources or new skills. Aspects such as accounting were optimized, reducing errors and inefficiencies

M Potvin Excavation was able to implement these radical improvements in less than two weeks. This is testament to Civalgo's ease and speed of implementation.

In brief

Today, with his enlarged team, business management has been considerably improved thanks to these actions. Allowing the company to continue to prosper, offering a range of services from excavation to disposal site management. Civalgo's support has become a key element of their operating model, making the development of M Potvin Excavation a true construction success story.

Success 2: The rise of Uniroc Construction

With a history of over 100 years in Quebec construction, the Whissell family is a pillar of the industry. In 1995, David Whissell founded a company specializing in concrete, which evolved into Uniroc Construction in 2012, when the Whissell family joined forces with the Bélanger family. Today, this fast-growing organization has 200 employees, and a business strategy split into two specialized divisions.

The problem

The company's size and history did not protect it from the modern challenges of project management. The manual division of labor, multiple project tracking systems and lack of a mobile interface all hampered efficiency.

The solution

That's where Civalgo comes in. Thanks to its features, Civalgo has transformed the wayUniroc works. Now, pre-filled work logs enable site managers to efficiently manage human resources, equipment and materials. Real-time analysis and automated cost tracking have created frictionless communication between office management and field activities, making decisions faster and more accurate

The ability to connect to any accounting system via an API also streamlined the payment process, eliminating the need for manual data manipulation. All this was achieved in less than two weeks, confirming the platform's ease of adoption.

In brief

The start of the collaboration with Civalgo has not only enabled Uniroc to overcome its operational challenges, it has also positioned the company for sustainable growth. The benefits go far beyond simplifying operations; they redefine what it means to be a modern, efficient construction company in this highly competitive market. Civalgo has therefore been a real catalyst for success for Uniroc, which continues to establish itself as a leader in the paving, kerbstone and civil engineering sectors in Quebec.

Success story 3: Demix Construction's digital metamorphosis

At Demix Construction, expertise in major and urban infrastructure projects in the Greater Montreal area is not just a goal, it's a heritage. With specialized sectors ranging from special projects, such as bridges and highways, to in-house asphalt production, the company is a key player in the construction industry. Its concern for a reduced environmental footprint and sustainable innovation is reflected in its preference for concrete pavements, which are less prone to heat islands and rapid deterioration.

The problem

For such a diverse and complex company, data management represents a colossal challenge. Before turning to Civalgo, the task of channelling information between different divisions was an extremely delicate one. To support this type of activity, it's important to use a trusted product with a clear, intuitive management dashboard. 

The solution

Civalgo proved to be the missing link betweenoperational excellence and administrative fluidity. In fact, it provided a clear and precise overview of the project, as well as all associated aspects such as cost calculations, particularly in line with price trends. The little extra that appealed even more to the structure: real-time monitoring of the various sites in progress. This reduces the reaction time needed to deal with unforeseen events quickly, thus limiting delivery delays and extra costs.

Thanks to its innovative features, such as GANTT planning interfaces, Civalgo has enabled Demix Construction to synchronize its short and medium-term operations. Reducing the time needed for payroll preparation and daily reporting freed up resources for more strategic tasks. The system has created an environment where each data entry only needs to be made once, eliminating redundancies and improving the speed of data entry. As a result, the entire team's bookkeeping and pay slips are simplified to just a few clicks.

In brief

The partnership with Civalgo has made the existing building not only more functional, but also better adapted to the challenges of the modern age. It has enabled Demix Construction to focus its expertise where it shines brightest: in the realization of infrastructure projects that shape the shape of our world while respecting its environmental footprint.

Choose Civalgo for better business management

A sharp business plan has become a prerequisite for successful development in the Canadian construction market. Today, having a good manager for your company is a key factor not only in your business strategy, but also in the quality of your team's operations. Civalgo is a formidable ally for optimized company management and better results for your structure!

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