Employee retention: Why will this be a problem in 2024?

June 12, 2024
10 min.
A happy team of construction workers

In 2024, the construction and civil engineering sector faces a major challenge: staff retention. The growing labor shortage in these sectors raises critical issues in terms of employee retention. Companies need to recognize that, without significant efforts to improve working conditions and employee management, they risk losing their most valuable talent.

Retention challenges in the face of labor shortages

A worsening problem

The construction and civil engineering sector is facing a growing labor shortage, a problem that is getting worse every year. Several factors are contributing to this situation. Firstly, the aging of the workforce in these sectors means that fewer experienced workers are available. In addition, there is a clear lack of interest among younger generations in these trades, which are often perceived as physically demanding and less attractive than other career options.

This trend is exacerbated by a rapid evolution in the skills required, due to the modernization of construction processes, making it difficult to attract new talent. Hiring is becoming increasingly difficult, according to human resources, and this generates additional costs. Certain practices within the organization need to be reviewed in order to retain existing employees.

Build on your existing team

Given the high turnover in HR departments, staff retention becomes a major issue for every company in the construction sector. The difficulty of finding qualified employees makes each team member all the more valuable. Structures must therefore redouble their efforts not only to attract, but above all to retain each and every employee.

This means creating an attractive work environment, offering interesting working conditions, opportunities for career development, and a healthy work-life balance. Among the reasons to retain an employee, the question of salary should be seriously considered. Thinking in terms of a global strategy that includes each of the assets listed will certainly make personnel management easier.

Today, it's essential to keep up to date with the best practices for successfully retaining staff. After all, the loss of skilled employees can lead to project delays, reduced quality of work and, ultimately, a negative impact on customers and therefore the company's reputation. Human resources management is a complex subject that poses problems for many companies today. Yet it's THE subject on which you need to develop a meticulous approach to improve the experience of your staff within your company.

A central issue: the importance of payroll management

Payroll management plays a crucial role in employee satisfaction, as it is one of their most important concerns. This is particularly true in the construction and civil engineering sectors. Accurate and reliable payroll management is nowadays essential to keep the workforce on target. Delays or errors in payroll processing can cause significant frustration among your employees, leading to feelings of low self-esteem and dissatisfaction. If they are recurrent, this can seriously erode employees' trust in their employer. It is therefore imperative for companies to implement efficient, error-free payroll systems to ensure the satisfaction and well-being of their employees. This can be achieved by using payroll management software (such as Civlago, for example).

This has a positive impact on collaboration between management and the rest of the staff. Indeed, they expect fair and punctual remuneration for their work. If they don't, they'll be tempted to seek employment elsewhere. By ensuring flawless payroll management, you strengthen employee loyalty. This includes not only the accurate and timely payment of wages, but also the correct management of overtime, bonuses and benefits. A transparent and fair payroll policy is seen as a sign of respect and recognition for work.

Taking care of your staff: avoiding overwork

One of the most effective strategies for efficient personnel management is to promote well-being in the workplace. Overwork affects a third of workers, so it's not a subject to be neglected! And there are two major aspects to this.

Promoting work-life balance

Effective planning of projects and schedules is crucial to maintaining a healthy work-life balance for your employees. Rigorous management of schedules helps avoid long working hours and overwork. This contributes to a healthier, more balanced work environment. By carefully planning projects, respecting realistic deadlines and avoiding excessive workloads, you promise a healthy professional working environment, a decisive factor in recruiting and retaining existing employees. Not only does this improve employees' quality of life, it also increases their productivity and efficiency at work. 

Preventing burn-out

With realistic planning, you can effectively prevent burnout. In practice, this means managing schedules and working hours to avoid overwork. The best way to do this is with management software such as Civalgo. 

And for good reason: overwork, resulting from excessive workloads and constant pressure, can have serious consequences for mental and physical health. By recognizing the importance of employee well-being and taking steps to prevent overwork, you can achieve a happier, healthier and more engaged workforce. This translates into better employee retention, reduced absenteeism and an improved general atmosphere at work.


By 2024, employee retention in construction and civil engineering will require concerted efforts to improve payroll management and project planning. Companies that recognize and respond to these needs will be better placed to retain their skilled employees and successfully navigate an increasingly competitive labor market.

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