Which application for your timesheets in 2024?

June 12, 2024
10 min.
Construction worker uses timesheet application

Today, efficient timesheet management is becoming an important issue for companies. If you're concerned about optimizing your productivity, this is definitely the subject to look into!

As the need for time tracking continues to evolve, timesheet applications such as Agendrix, Clockify and Mobile Punch are gaining in popularity.

These solutions offer decision-makers and employees a flexible and accurate way of tracking working hours, paid vacations, and overtime, directly from their phone, tablet or web browser. However, choosing the right application for your business requires a thorough understanding of the features, benefits and limitations of each solution.

Why use time management applications?

Digital timesheets offer a host of advantages, particularly in terms of productivity, accuracy and flexibility. These tools are transforming the way teams manage their sites and tasks.

Productivity improvement

A timesheet enables precise tracking of hours worked, reducing errors and manual entries. This accuracy improves overall management of working time, and helps to calculate overtime and vacation pay correctly.

Each of them can generate detailed reports that help managers analyze the effectiveness of employees and, more generally, of teams.

Ease of use and accessibility

Most of these tools offer an intuitive user interface via a mobile app or web browser. This allows employees to capture the progress of their task, whether they're on the move, on a worksite or in the office.

These solutions often integrate with other project management or payrollsystems. This gives your company an overview of all projects and the people involved.

Flexibility and customization

Digital timesheets offer adaptability to suit your business requirements. They allow you to customize task lists, project categories and methods of calculating working hours.

These tools also facilitate the management of leave requests and absences. Employees can submit their requests directly via the application.

Well-known applications: the example of Mobile Punch

Among the many known solutions is Mobile Punch. We're going to take a closer look at this application. Mobile Punch is a time management application renowned for its ease of use. It enables employees to clock in and out their working hours directly from their phone, offering a practical solution for time tracking. 

In addition to Mobile Punch, other popular applications such as Clockify and Agendrix offer similar functionality, including time tracking, leave management and detailed reporting. These applications are appreciated for their ability to simplify timesheet management. In fact, they provide accurate data for payroll calculation and productivity analysis - a real plus!

These applications stand out for their intuitive features, such as easy entry of working hours, management of tasks and projects, and generation of customizable reports. Their popularity with businesses stems from their ability to provide a clear overview of employee activity, making it easier to manage projects. What's more, their compatibility with a variety of mobile devices and operating systems makes them accessible to a wide range of users.

Mobile Punch limits

Mobile Punch is a partner of several construction associations, and offers a digital timesheet format that's quite popular in the field. However, this software doesn't offer a complete overview of your projects. So, for example, it's not possible to use an offline function or real-time video sharing on site progress. A more comprehensive solution saves you money, because you don't need to use several different software programs and tools. But it also maximizes operational efficiency, and therefore optimizes your company's operations a little more.

Considering a more global solution for each project gives you the opportunity to directly implement the right online solution for all employees. The team doesn't have to be trained on several software packages, and everything is centralized.

A time-sheet application for the construction industry

Having an application optimized for users and offering appropriate support is an essential prerequisite for successfully developing your structure in the world of construction. Whether in software format for office staff or directly on mobile for workers in the field, Civalgo has been developed to meet these precise issues. Unlike Clockify, the entire platform is specialized to meet the needs of professionals. At least, that's what our customer reviews show!

What sets Civalgo apart?

As anadvanced timesheet application, it stands out for its unique features tailored to the growing needs of this sector. Offering much more than a simple platform for tracking working hours, Civalgo enables detailed tracking of every task and every project. Essential for teams and subcontractors alike! 

This precise tracking capability exceeds that of solutions such as Mobile Punch, providing an in-depth view of every employee time entry and activity. A particular strength is its integration with other business-critical systems, such as project management and payroll, providing a complete and consistent solution.

Adopting this solution can bring you significant benefits, particularly in terms of productivity and organization. What's more, communication within each team is enhanced by the application's features, including real-time notification and updates. Unlike Clockify or Mobile Punch, personalized reports on each staff member's activity can be generated for accurate tracking. Civalgo's integration with other tools makes the whole process more efficient and transparent for everyone involved.

What's a rich text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in oneplace instead of havingto add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the richtext element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


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