Why is your company's growth demolishing your work schedule?

June 12, 2024
9 min
Business owner monitors growth of company under construction

As a company grows in the construction and civil engineering sector, managing work schedules becomes a major challenge. What used to be simple planning is becoming a real logistical challenge, where precise monitoring of work is crucial to the success of every project. Traditional methods of managing working hours often prove inadequate in the face of increasing numbers of projects and employees, leading to the risk of errors and conflicts. 

In this article, we explore how digital, especially with specialized tools, can revolutionize work schedule management, turning a potential headache into a competitive advantage for your business.

4 common scheduling problems

When a company in the construction and civil engineering sector gets off the ground, managing work schedules often turns into a real headache. What used to be simple planning turns into a strategic challenge, where every mistake can have far-reaching repercussions. Behind every successful project lies a meticulous orchestration of working hours, often undermined by recurring problems. Let's take a look at four common problems that can turn your company's promising growth into a bumpy ride.

1. Increasingly complex schedules

As a company expands, managing work schedules becomes an increasingly complex exercise. Each new project brings its own set of challenges: coordinating different trades, meeting deadlines, and adapting to unforeseen circumstances. Complexity is particularly acute in this sector, where each site has its own specificities.Drawing up each schedule can quickly become labyrinthine, making tracking and updating tedious and error-prone.

2. Risks of non-compliance and cheating

When work schedules are managed manually, the risk of non-compliance with labor regulations increases, as does the temptation to cheat on hours worked. These practices can lead to internal conflicts, legal problems, and a loss of trust between employees and management. Transparency and accuracy are essential to maintaining a good team dynamic and complying with legal standards.

3. Communication and coordination difficulties

As a company grows, the number of employees and worksites often increases. This geographical dispersion can lead to communication and coordination difficulties between teams. Without an effective work tracking system, information can be lost or misinterpreted, leading to delays and inefficiencies.

4. Time management and productivity

Ineffective management of work schedules can have a direct impact on productivity. Employees may find themselves waiting for instructions or materials, or working in a disorganized manner. This can lead to a considerable loss of time, affecting project profitability and customer satisfaction.

Limits of current solutions

In the dynamic construction sector, traditional methods of managing working hours are rapidly showing their limits. These systems, often based on manual processes or outdated tools, are struggling to keep pace with today's fast-growing businesses. Let's take a closer look at why these methods no longer suffice in today's context.

Dependence on manual processes

Most companies still rely on manual methods, with a good old Excel timesheet, to manage project-based work schedules. These processes, although familiar, are prone to human error and consume precious time in achieving the right staff allocation. What's more, they don't allow for real-time updating or effective communication between the various project players, which is essential in an environment where updates are commonplace.

Lack of flexibility and responsiveness

Traditional solutions often lack flexibility. They don't allow you to adapt schedules quickly to unforeseen circumstances or last-minute changes, which is essential in this sector. This rigidity can lead to project delays and inefficient use of resources.

Monitoring and control difficulties

With conventional methods, accurate tracking of each employee's working hours and activities becomes a challenge. This makes it difficult to detect productivity problems or deviations from forecasts. Without proper tracking, companies risk losing control over project progress and cost management.

Compliance and transparency issues

Manual methods and outdated tools don't always guarantee compliance with legal and regulatory standards on working time management. What's more, they don't promote transparency, which is crucial to maintaining trust between staff and management, and avoiding internal conflicts.

What can be done about it?

Faced with the growing challenges of managing working hours, it is becoming imperative for companies in the construction and civil engineering sector to adopt more appropriate and efficient solutions. Digital technology, in particular through specialized tools, offers a concrete response to these issues.

Adopt a digital solution

The transition to digital tools overcomes the limitations of traditional methods. Accessible from a computer or via a mobile application, they transform the management of work schedules into a more flexible, precise and transparent process. These tools enable real-time updating of schedules, greater responsiveness to unforeseen events, and effective communication between the various project players.

Automate and centralize data

This type of tool automates and centralizes each employee's information, such as their schedule, thus reducing human error and the time spent on manual planning. This centralization facilitates access to information and ensures better coordination of tasks and resources. You know where your work stands in real time, so you can take appropriate action if necessary. What's more, compliance with legal and regulatory standards is reinforced, ensuring that work schedules are managed in line with industry requirements.

Improve productivity and project management

Optimized scheduling allows employees to focus on the efficient execution of their tasks, while the office can concentrate on more strategic aspects of project management. This increased efficiency translates into better project completion, greater customer satisfaction and, ultimately, improved profitability. An interface of this kind enables improvements on all levels, for optimized teamwork.

Strengthening trust and transparency

Using a tool or software like Civalgo builds trust and transparency within the company. Employees benefit from a clear view of their schedules, tasks and responsibilities, which reduces misunderstandings and strengthens team dynamics. Clarity of working hours also contributes to a more harmonious and productive working environment.

Conclusion: Civalgo, the ideal solution

In the face of the complex challenges we have outlined, Civalgo is the ideal solution. By combining advanced technology, ease of use and adaptability, Civalgo transforms these challenges into opportunities for growth and efficiency. With functionalities such as scheduling and invoicing, or the management of different actions assigned to employees, Civalgo is not just a program, but a true strategic basis for the proper execution of your directives. It reinforces trust, transparency and productivity, while ensuring compliance and data security. Adopting Civalgo means choosing a path to more effective project management, greater employee and customer satisfaction, and above all, increased efficiency for your organization. For companies ready to embrace the future of project management, Civalgo is the answer.

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