Construction and Civil Engineering: What will be the best project management tool in 2024?

June 12, 2024
9 min
Project management expert oversees the site

Yes, here we are: 2023 is drawing to a close, so it's time to take stock and make our first predictions for 2024! The first thing we can say is that, despite the labor shortage and record inflation, 2023 proved to be a prolific year for the Construction and Civil Engineering sectors. With nearly 46,000 new construction starts in Quebec alone, there was no shortage of new projects, to say the least! And 2024 promises to be just as busy! And with so many new construction starts planned, the effectiveness of your project management will play a crucial role in the success of your business: it's best to be well prepared.

In this race for profitability and efficiency, would you like to be the first? To achieve this, new technologies could well become your most precious ally! But you still need to make the right choices: which software is really right for your business? Which digital tools will help you generate more profits, and which will simply waste your time and money?

To help you make up your mind, we've conducted a survey: what's the best best project management tool in 2024?

What is project management software?

First of all, let's get back to basics: what is project management software?

Project management software is a software tool specially designed to help you and your teams coordinate, plan and ensure the smooth implementation of your tasks, activities and resources. It's an invaluable management tool designed to help you streamline your workflows and more easily achieve your specific objectives within a pre-defined, pre-established timeframe.

Because it gives you a clear, real-time overview of all your objectives, deadlines, assigned tasks and the progress of your projects, project management software facilitates the work of your project managers, enabling them to be more efficient on a daily basis.

The main objectives of such a project management tool are multiple:

  • It ensures efficient project management by centralizing all project-related information, improving communication and collaboration between your team members.
  • It aids resource management by accurately assigning tasks and monitoring their completion, maximizing productivity while minimizing the risk of overwork and errors.
  • It supports decision-making by providing up-to-date, reliable information on project performance.

In recent years, project management software has gradually established itself as an essential tool for any company wishing to improve its operational efficiency and continue generating profits. From planning and task tracking to information sharing and resource management, these online management tools provide undeniable added value and play a decisive role in the success of construction and civil engineering projects.

What are the criteria for selecting project management software?

To determine the best project management software for your company, you need to know what criteria and features to consider! To help you, here is a non-exhaustive list of the main selection criteria to consider when choosing your project management tool:

1. Ease of use :

Remember: good management software should make your team's work easier, not harder! Choose a project management tool that's intuitive and easy to use. Ask for demonstrations, discuss it with your team and take the time to make sure that this new tool will really facilitate your processes and the management of your tasks.

2. Relevant features :

Before you decide on a project software package, make sure it includes all the functionality you need. To add real value to your operations, a new management tool must meet your specific needs, such as project planning, task allocation, resource tracking and so on.

3. Real-time collaboration :

In addition to streamlining your task management, your new project management software needs to facilitate working relationships and exchanges between the different members of your team. Being able to collaborate and communicate remotely and in real time is essential for effective communication and rapid decision-making. The aim is to promote efficient, collaborative working!

4. Accessibility :

Accessibility is an essential feature. For project management software to play its full part in lightening your project manager's workload, and to fulfill its role of supporting operations perfectly, it's vital that every user can connect to it at any time from any device. It's a top priority!

5. Customer support:

Responsive, competent customer service is crucial to resolving any problems quickly! Make sure that the company supplying your project management software has an efficient customer support team ready to answer any questions you may have. They're the ones who'll help you get the most out of your new project management tool.

6. Integration with other systems:

The whole point of integrating project management software into your business is to save time! That's why it's essential to ensure that your new online tool can be easily integrated with your existing work processes , and with the software you already use for invoicing and accounting, for example.

7. Data security :

With the implementation of Bill 25 in Quebec, this is even more important: it's essential that your project management software is able to guarantee the security and confidentiality of your data, your employees' data and your customers' data.

8. Good value for money :

To be the best possible project management software, your new management tool must offer excellent value for money. It shouldn't just be affordable, it should perform! Your return on investment must be significant and undeniable.

What are the limitations of free project management software?

When shopping for a new project management tool, it's natural to start with free versions of well-known project management software. But is this a good idea? Can free project management software really help you? Are they relevant to your business?


Although Asana offers basic project management functionality, its free version is very limited and doesn't allow you to generate advanced reports or customize your dashboard. What's more, it doesn't allow you to effectively manage large teams, a key aspect in Construction and Civil Engineering, fields where the number of players working on the same project is significant.

And the paid version? The paid version of Asana is not ideal for the construction sector, due to a number of shortcomings. Its interface, while user-friendly for smaller projects, proves complex and impractical for large construction projects involving numerous stakeholders. Asana lacks construction-specific features such as materials management, construction scheduling and design plan integration. Finally, its cost can prove prohibitive for larger construction companies, where the number of users required can quickly drive up costs.


Trelle is easy to use and offers interesting visual task management. However, its free version offers limited functionality for risk management, project planning and cost tracking, which are crucial aspects in the construction and civil engineering sectors.

And the paid version? The paid version of Trello is still inadequate for the construction and civil engineering sectors, as it doesn't offer sector-specific functionalities such as on-site progress management or the coordination of different trades. What's more, it doesn't offer detailed, real-time visualization of project progress and delays.


Monday stands out for its ease of use and customization options. Nevertheless, its free version offers very limited functionality! For example, it doesn't include advanced options such as customized dashboards, cost tracking and report sharing. What's more, it can only accommodate up to two team members, which may not be enough for large-scale construction projects.

And the paid version? The paid version of Monday does not provide essential tools for large-scale construction projects, such as detailed on-site progress management, efficient coordination of the various trades, and precise real-time monitoring of costs and deadlines.


Despite robust tools for project planning and collaboration, the free version of Wrike doesn 't support report sharing or real-time cost tracking, which can be problematic for large-scale construction projects.

And the paid version? Wrike's paid version, while offering many more interesting tools than its free version, lacks essential elements specific to the construction and civil engineering sector, such as detailed, integrated field monitoring tools. What's more, the absence of coordination functionalities specific to the various trades involved in a construction project makes it complex to manage interdependent tasks and synchronize teams.

Zoho Projects:

Although Zoho Projects offers good collaboration features, its free version has limitations on documentation management, an essential aspect in civil engineering and construction projects.

And the paid version? The paid version of Zoho Projects also lacks tools specifically designed for the construction and civil engineering sector. In particular, it lacks features for the detailed management of on-site work and the coordination of various trade teams. In addition, real-time cost tracking, crucial for budget control in major construction projects, is not sufficiently developed.

In conclusion, although these widely-known free project management software packages offer a number of advantages, their biggest shortcoming lies in their lack of specialization and adaptability specific to the Construction and Civil Engineering sectors: they're too generalist! Although they offer some interesting options for project management, these free online management tools don't meet the complexity requirements inherent in Construction and Civil Engineering projects.

What's more, don't forget that the ultimate aim of these free management tools is to get you to pay for the full version. However, these full versions are not only highly generalized, and therefore not really adapted to our business sectors, they are also often very expensive! Obviously, you're paying for the software's reputation, but that's not what's going to help you improve your internal processes, your planning capacity or your productivity.

If you want to invest in the best project management tools for your company and your team, it's essential to choose management tools whose features and flexibility match the unique requirements of your projects and your industry!

What are the specific project management needs of civil engineering and construction? 

As we've already mentioned, the best project management software is that which is perfectly adapted to your specific needs and to the particularities of your projects and your company. Construction and civil engineering projects are complex, involving numerous tasks, resources and people. So it's vital to take this into account if you really want to improve your project management with online project management software. But what are the specific needs of construction and civil engineering projects?

Complex project management and planning :

Planning is the secret of success for any construction or civil engineering project! Your projects require detailed, precise planning of complex, interdependent tasks, and the best project management software will be the one that gives you a complete overview of all your projects, in real time and at any given moment.

Financial management and cost control:

Cost control is a key element in the life cycle of a construction project. Your project management software must enable you to predict the cost and profitability of each of your projects. It's essential that your online management tool helps you spot problems before they happen, so you can adjust and forecast every expense as effectively as possible.

Payroll management:

A good project management software package should help you save time by automating and digitizing a large proportion of your tasks, which means automatically taking CCQ payroll rules and codes into account, for example! If your payroll management is made easier, you'll definitely save time!

Resource management:

Managing material and human resources is crucial to the success of a construction or civil engineering project. Your project management software must therefore be able to offer you effective solutions for managing your resources: with just a few clicks, you should be able to assign the right workers to the right tasks, with the right materials and machines, to the right project!

Field management and supervision:

In construction, as in civil engineering, site supervision is an essential component of project management. The best project management software will be the one able to offer you innovative tools to improve your site tracking ! Examples: online timesheets to do away with manual processes and incessant back-and-forth between field workers and accounting staff, or an offline punch tool to enable you to track the working time of each of your employees, even when internet access is not possible. A feature that not only enables better job site tracking, but also provides a precise overview of the actual labor cost of each job, contributing to better control of costs and resources.

What's more, good project management software should offer you the ability to complete and transmit site reports and daily logs with just a few clicks. In this way, you can record all activities and tasks carried out on site in real time, providing a detailed overview of project progress. Project management software can significantly improve the accuracy, efficiency and transparency of your site monitoring.

Documentation management :

Document and information management is crucial in the construction industry. Documentation management tools enable plans, reports, specifications and other essential documents to be centralized and shared efficiently .

Collaboration and communication :

Fluid communication between teams and stakeholders is essential to the success of a construction project. Communication and collaboration platforms provide online virtual workspaces where team members can exchange information in real time.

Customized management:

Because your needs are specific, a good project management software package must be able to offer you excellent customization features, especially when it comes to your forms, daily reports and dashboard.

So what will be the best project management software in 2024?

As you can see,the best project management software in 2024 will above all be the one that suits you! The one that meets your specific needs, expectations and teams. The one that can be easily integrated into your processes, bringing you real added value on a daily basis in the field and in your offices. And in this area, Civalgo could be just what you and your whole team need!

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