The secret to better organization: planning software

June 12, 2024
13 min
A stack of containers illustrating the complexity of project planning

Organization is a sensitive subject for many companies. And with good reason: it can be responsible for a company's success or its downfall. Having a management tool is often the solution. Whether it's visual planning or a more complex project management tool, planning software has become indispensable. But what are the real benefits?

Project planning: a complex subject

When it comes to managing all the tasks, sub-tasks and time tracking of your employees, it can quickly get complicated. The work done by one contractor enables the next to continue, and so on. Any delays or inefficient processes can create serious problems for project progress. This is particularly damaging if you're a small construction company.

You need to be aware of the progress of each site and of the teams on site to guarantee safety, but also to plan the human resources to be mobilized for the rest of the construction project.

To alleviate this problem, you can use scheduling software, which not only keeps track of your employees' activities, but also enables you to better manage each project according to your needs.

What is planning software?

We speak of planning software or scheduling software when we're talking about a tool for tracking the implementation of plans in real life. In simple terms, this means being able to track the work of each team at every stage. The various dashboards enable you to track the progress of each project in real time, directly from the online software, the website or the mobile application on your smartphone. A wide range of functions make it easy to enter as much information as possible on each job.

3 advantages of planning software

Functions range from online timesheets with schedules, to complete customer project planning with plan and associated activities. Whatever the size of your company, users will be able to easily find the events that concern them in just a few clicks.

1. Plan your teams' tasks

With project management software that includes a planning function, you can provide your teams with precise schedules and tasks. This resource optimizes communication and the efficiency of office resources. Unnecessary phone calls are reduced, so they're only used in the event of a major problem.

It's quick and easy to set up in your company, so you can manage your workforce more effectively.

2. Track material problems

This type of scheduling software features notification when a contributor brings new information to a task. For example, if your supplier runs out of materials for an electrical operation, all he has to do is leave you a written note or a voice message to inform you of the situation. The person in charge can then quickly order the items mentioned, without wasting any time.Resource allocation made easy, guaranteed!

Materials management is a sensitive issue in the construction industry. For many companies, there is a loss of earnings due to lack of follow-up and poor management. Using a tool of this type is an opportunity to reduce costs and theft . Thanks to this tracking, thieves will know that the product is traceable, and will be less likely to try to steal it.

3. Reduce delays

Keeping your customers satisfied is a priority. This includes on-time delivery. However, the various construction sectors are not renowned for this!

By keeping meticulous track of your projects with dedicated management software, you can be sure of reacting quickly if your employees are late or don't show up for their appointments. You'll be able to readjust the tasks concerned according to your choices and your teams. Time management is a subject you need to master in construction if you want to have a good reputation in this market.

Why choose Civalgo as your planning software?

Civalgo is the perfect tool for keeping track of your projects. As one of the best planning software programs, you'll be able to track each task with all its associated data: who's working on it, when, with what equipment, to do what...

You'll be able to monitor the progress of your plan and adjust it as needed. This planning software allows you to monitor your team's schedule and assigned tasks, but above all, all users can contribute information in real time, using photos, comments or voice notes. You'll then receive a notification to let you know how the work is progressing.

It's suitable for all profiles, whatever your level of technological proficiency: rest assured, we've thought of you and made our scheduling software intuitive. What's more, you'll be able to send the number of hours worked to the accounting department in just a few clicks, or communicate with your team in a straightforward manner. Schedule management in an all-in-one tool, ideal for your small business!

Excellence for survival

In the construction market, small companies have to contend with the real giants who are taking a good share of the contracts. To stand out from the crowd, you need a better reputation and higher-quality work. By adapting to customer needs and offering a service delivered on time, you're already offering a much better service than the competition. Thanks to digital technologies!

To optimize the collaboration of all service providers, it has become essential to use planning software, including a schedule. Anticipating and reacting quickly to the progress of your projects are now essential to stand out from the competition and secure your place in this competitive sector. 

Various tools, such as Civalgo, have been developed to address the issue of project management. Mastering these tools has become a skill to be acquired so that tasks can be completed more quickly and efficiently. Many companies hope to continue operating without an online tool, but this has become a prerequisite! Talk to a management expert and schedule a free personalized demo.

What's a rich text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in oneplace instead of havingto add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

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How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the richtext element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


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