How to solve payroll challenges in the construction sector

June 12, 2024
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Construction companies face unique payroll challenges. The industry is highly regulated, with various laws and regulations that must be followed to ensure compliance.

Construction companies face unique payroll challenges. The industry is highly regulated, with various laws and regulations that must be followed to ensure compliance. Multiple subcontractors, different payment schedules, and different types of workers, including unionized workers, can make construction payroll processing difficult, time-consuming and error-prone.

Key payroll challenges in the construction industry

Complicated wage rates and union rules

Wage rates for workers in the construction industry can vary widely depending on the region, the worker's level of experience, the type of work performed, and even the type of construction they're working on. All these factors make keeping track of time very complicated for contractors.

One of the biggest payroll challenges in construction is managing payroll for unionized workers, as unions have strict rules on wage rates, overtime, benefits, and other aspects of compensation. Construction companies must ensure that payroll calculations comply with union rules, and that union dues and contributions are correctly deducted and paid.

Several payment schedules

Another unique problem for construction payroll is the need to track and manage multiple payment schedules. In construction, it's common to pay subcontractors and suppliers on a different schedule to permanent employees. This can add an extra layer of complexity to the payroll process, requiring multiple payment cycles, different payment methods and different payment frequencies.

It's your responsibility to ensure that all payments are accurate and made on time. There are few things workers forgive less than late payment, which can cause hardship and financial penalties.

High-risk errors

With all these factors to consider, manual payroll calculation and processing is often a time-consuming and error-prone process. Inaccurate payroll can have serious and costly consequences, including under- or overpaid workers, incorrect tax returns, and compliance violations. Non-compliance with union rules can lead to costly fines, legal disputes, and damaged relations with the union.

Construction payroll software to the rescue

To overcome these challenges, construction companies can adopt a variety of solutions to streamline their payroll processes. Cloud-based construction payroll software, designed specifically for the construction industry, can help companies automate the collection, coding and processing of payroll information, significantly reducing their payroll efforts and associated costs.

Some construction payroll software, such as Civalgo cloud-based construction software, integrates construction time tracking with payroll processing, allowing you to easily export payroll data to your current payroll processing system. Here's how it works:

- Civalgo's cloud-based construction software captures employee hours worked and automatically calculates hourly wages and overtime based on the payroll rules you and your account manager set up during setup - such as occupation, job type, union wage rates, and benefits.

- At the end of the payroll cycle, you simply export this payroll information, already coded and calculated, as a CSV or Excel file. You can now import your payroll data into your payroll processing system, or use the report for other business purposes, such as tax compliance or benefits funding.

As a cloud-based construction software, Civalgo also enables mobile construction time tracking, so contractors and subcontractors can complete their timesheets from anywhere using their mobile devices. This means no more chasing workers for their daily or weekly hours, and less risk of payment inaccuracies.

Ultimately, while construction payroll processing can be a challenge, with the right tools, construction companies can manage payroll efficiently, accurately and in compliance with regulations. Ready to automate? Book a free demo and find out how Civalgo's cloud-based construction software can help you maximize your potential and profits.

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