Best practices in workforce management in the construction sector

June 12, 2024
Construction worker at work on the site

Workforce management in the construction industry is an essential element of any successful construction project. The construction industry relies heavily on skilled people, from managing the workforce to ensuring that projects are completed according to plan.

Workforce management in the construction industry is an essential element of any successful construction project. The construction industry relies heavily on skilled personnel, from managing the workforce to ensuring that projects are completed according to plan.

With the huge changes in the construction industry in recent years, it's become increasingly important to implement new workforce management strategies, use new technologies to do more with less, and put your resources to the best possible use. Here's how to do it:

1. Capture and transfer corporate knowledge before it's too late

One of the major challenges facing the construction industry today is the shortage of manpower. Experienced workers are retiring and taking their institutional knowledge with them, while younger generations are not interested in replacing them. To meet this challenge, construction companies need to gather as much institutional knowledge as possible before the departure of their most experienced demographic group. It's advisable to store institutional knowledge in a centralized location, preferably on the cloud, where workers can access it anywhere. In addition, it is essential to attract and retain more young people by offering benefits such as workplace flexibility, a safe working environment and professional development opportunities.

2. Working more agilely and intelligently with digital tools

Technology offers huge opportunities for workforce management. Construction companies need to manage their workforce more efficiently than ever, and digital tools such as payroll, scheduling and construction document management software can make processes such as employee performance tracking, worker scheduling and payroll management much more effective. Time tracking software, for example, enables companies to track and code contractors' hours according to union rules, ensuring accurate payment. These software solutions can also be integrated with existing payroll processing systems, automating payroll and reducing associated operational costs. Time tracking software can also provide valuable data to improve workforce management processes, identify areas where productivity can be improved, and enable companies to make data-driven decisions on staff allocation and planning.

3. Monitor progress in real time

Another essential element in construction is the use of cloud-based construction project management software, which enables companies to manage projects more efficiently by providing real-time visibility of project progress and costs. This software enables project managers to plan for the short and long term, organize and dispatch labor and equipment from a single unified environment, get instant updates on progress in the field, communicate between teams, and react immediately to problems and delays on site, saving time and money. Project management software can also help companies better manage human resources, providing information on employee availability and enabling managers to schedule workers more effectively.

4. Eliminate inefficiencies and backtracking

Effective workforce management is essential to success in the construction industry. By gathering institutional knowledge before retirement, recruiting more young people and using technology to streamline processes and improve efficiency, construction companies can ensure they have the skilled workforce they need to succeed in an increasingly competitive industry.Instead of assembling a Frankenstein of different productivity applications, unified, cloud-based construction management software like Civalgo can help you simplify your workflows and your day-to-day life.

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