Mitigating construction risks: strategies for success

June 12, 2024
Risk assessment for construction teams

In this article, we will explore common risks in construction projects and propose strategies for their effective mitigation. Risk management is a crucial process for any construction company. Identifying, preventing, managing and monitoring; risks must be considered and decimated for the well-being of the project and the company.

What are the risks in construction?

- Financial risks can affect a company's sales.

- Environmental environmental risks can have an effect on the health of team members. 

- Safety risks can be life-threatening for workers on site. 

- Delay risks can delay project completion, which can have repercussions on the company's overall efficiency.

From conception to practical implementation of the project, the way in which a company handles and mitigates risks in construction helps to ensure not only good working conditions for its team, but also the achievement of set objectives. This is why it's important not to neglect the subject, and to adopt an efficient approach to ensure effective management control.

Opt for a dashboard

To achieve the best results, a manager like a dashboard can help you understand and mitigate these risks. At a glance, you get an overview of the company's activity, with real-time indicators. It's an effective way to monitor your site's performance. The key performance indicators (KPIs) can be used to identify deviations from targets. For example, a dashboard can show if the project is behind schedule, or if costs are over budget.

Identify risks proactively

To implement a solution like a dashboard, you first need to be able to identify risks effectively. Proactive identification of risks in construction is an essential method of mitigating them. It involves anticipating potential problems before they occur. 

A well-designed dashboard can help meet this need. It centralizes all information, and each value must be updatable in real time by each team member. Thus, with rigorous use of the dashboard, it becomes possible to identify potential risks at an early stage as the project progresses. In fact, this system facilitates decision-making and monitoring of the entire project.

Examples of situations

For example, if the dashboard shows that construction costs are rising unexpectedly, this could signal a potential financial risk to watch out for. Similarly, if the dashboard shows that material delivery times are regularly being exceeded, this could indicate a risk of project delay. Thanks to a quick readout of the various indicators, monitoring is simplified and, above all, it's a real help in making informed decisions.

Rigorous risk assessment in construction

Each activity - its success, delays or difficulties - has an impact on the development of the project. If your electrician is late in completing his work, you'll have to move the deadline for the plasterer and painter. Consequently, construction risk assessment is another key function of management dashboards. It enables you to quantify identified risks and determine their potential impact on the project

For example, a financial risk can be assessed in terms of potential loss of sales for the company. This is made possible by the output produced by each service provider, and the platform's automatic calculation of the various points reported.

Why use site management software for risk management?

As we've seen so far, using a dashboard is a real help in achieving your goals. But there are several on the market, so which one should you choose? Its main function, which is to centralize the various knowledge and data of each trade, must be fulfilled. It's its ability to be a real guide to preventing risks in construction and, so to speak, predicting the future correctly. In this way, accidents can be avoided, while achieving the objectives set.

The best construction management software (such as Civalgo) features a simple, intuitive dashboard. It should be accessible to all, even those who are not accustomed to using software. It can be accessed on any device, and allows information to be shared in written, voice or photo format. Specialized functionalities are also available, such as advanced dashboard creation, timesheet tracking or pay slip editing. So take the time to choose the right management software for you and your business.

The winning strategy: adopt a dashboard to manage your project

In conclusion, mitigating risk in construction is a crucial process that requires proactive risk identification and rigorous risk assessment. Management dashboards, like those offered by Civalgo, can play a crucial role in steering your project. They provide an overview of the company's activity and enable performance to be monitored in real time. By using these tools, construction companies can stay ahead of the development curve of their business. And so succeed in surviving in an uncertain and difficult-to-predict environment.

What's a rich text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in oneplace instead of havingto add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

bold elementsbeused with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content,add a richtext field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the richtext element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


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