Improve construction profitability with management software

June 18, 2024
5 min
Columns of figures illustrating construction profitability

The search for effective solutions to improve profitability in construction is at the heart of the problem for many companies today. Indeed, increasing sales is not always synonymous with improving profitability! So you need to take a close look at the health of your structure, and in particular at some of the essential components of its operation. This can be done with business management software such as Civalgo, which stands out for its know-how tailored to your sector.

4 profitability challenges in construction

In the construction industry, the concept of profitability is like a complex equation that project managers are constantly trying to solve. The set of variables at play is vast:rising material costs, often unpredictable labor management, delays due to factors beyond your control and, of course, the pressure to meet deadlines. All these factors can quickly turn a seemingly profitable project into a money pit.

Profitability in construction isn't just a line on a spreadsheet; it reflects a whole range of management practices, efficiencies and inefficiencies, pleasant and less pleasant surprises. In this constant ballet of challenges and opportunities, companies need a reliable partner to navigate these sometimes tumultuous waters. That's where construction management software such as Civalgo comes in, offering elegant solutions to often complex problems. With this landscape in mind, how does specialized software add invaluable value to your business? The answer lies in automation, efficiency and streamlined construction project management.

What is construction management software?

At the crossroads between technology and architecture lies an increasingly essential player: construction management software. More than just a dashboard, this software offers a wide range of functions, from real-time project monitoring to the optimization of human and material resources. Their mission is toensure better coordination and administration in the micro vision, and to ensure the quality and development of your company in the macro vision. Civalgo sets itself apart by customizing these functionalities to offer an unparalleled user experience.

1. Streamlining processes

Streamlining processes is often perceived as an austerity cure; in reality, it's a beneficial transformation. With construction management software like Civalgo, it's now possible to map, analyze and optimize every stage of a construction project. This detailed analysis of operations will enable you to achieve your objectives more effectively by visualizing which activities need to be optimized. These tools ensure that every decision, large or small, is part of a strategic vision, reducing wasted resources and increasing profitability. This business management control will enable you to improve the various actions you take to aim for higher sales.

2. Fewer manual tasks

Precision is a luxury often sacrificed when complex tasks are performed manually. The risk of human error is an unpredictable variable that can be costly. Concerns include accounting and invoicing, as well as the management and organization of work in progress. This is where construction management software comes in, by eliminating these inaccuracies through automated processes. For example, employee timesheets can be tracked and approved with a simple application, reducing the potential for error and making time and resource management more efficient. This kind of organization keeps your business running smoothly.

3. Increased overall efficiency

Improvements are not just limited to cost savings or error reduction. What they do bring is a new level of cross-functional efficiency. Civalgo not only makes it possible to monitor project development in real time, but also facilitates communication between different teams. The ability to track material and labor costs in real time can transform decision-making, making it more agile and accurate. In this way, overall efficiency is the result of a multitude of small advantages which, put together, create significant added value. You'll see at annual accounts time just how much of a game-changer the adoption of such a solution will be for your company!

M Potvin Excavation case study

To understand the advantage of adopting this player as a contractor, let's look at the emblematic example of M Potvin Excavation, where he masterfully demonstrates how Civalgo can revolutionize a company. Specializing in excavation, this 40-employee company was plagued by a variety of complications, including manual work distribution, scattered systems for assessing work progress, and poor communication between management and the field.

After implementing Civalgo, the company underwent spectacular changes. From toolboxes for paperless work distribution to pre-filled daily diaries for foremen, the optimization was such that the company recorded growth without the need for additional resources. What's more, these various parts were installed quickly and easily, being completed in less than two weeks. Data distortion was reduced, and communication between the office and the field improved significantly, creating a unified productivity environment. This use case perfectly illustrates how Civalgo can be a real catalyst for efficiency and profitability in construction. There are many reviews in support of this platform!

Civalgo offers

As we've seen, Civalgo can really change your business, and make your company an industry leader. Civalgo offers a range of flexible solutions designed to meet the specific needs of various companies in the construction industry. Here's an overview of the different prices and details of each offer.

Logbook - $1 per month for the first 6 months

Ideal for field workers, this package focuses on simplicity. It includes features such as punch in/out, controlled geolocation, and daily reports. The aim is to facilitate day-to-day management for workers on the move.

Lite - $14.99/employee/month

Designed for growing teams, this package offers advanced features such as daily planning, payroll automation to facilitate your accounting, and basic project control. Email and chat support and two-factor authentication are also included for added security andassistance.

Pro - $19.99/employee/month

Ideal for more complex organizations, the Pro package incorporates all the features of the Lite version, with the addition of advanced project control and long-term planning tools. Personal customer service and customized onboarding are also included to ensure an optimal user experience, at an affordable price.

Business - Contact us

Dedicated to large-scale enterprises, this offering includes customized reports and roles, as well asAPI accessfor further integration. No-code and Zapier integration options are also available for maximum customization.

A tailor-made construction management solution

To guarantee the health of your business and ensure you achieve your objectives, it's important to adopt technology within your structure. Whatever the trades involved, it's important to be able to coordinate them around a privileged contact who will ensure a professional project outcome. Managing activities and managing construction sites with meticulous attention to detail are now fundamental to ensuring the long-term future of your business. Make the change and request your free demo today.

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The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in oneplace instead of havingto add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the richtext element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.


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